Lufthygiene als Erfolgsfaktor (Blog)
Die neuen Luftqualitätsleitlinien der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) fordern saubere Luft. Aus Public-Health-Sicht ist jedes Mikrogramm weniger Luftverschmutzung ein grosser Gesundheitsgewinn. Die
One Health initiative for food safety in Palestine (Blog)
The One Health Initiative for Food Safety aims to develop a One Health approach for Palestine. We spoke to Said Abukhattab, PhD student at Swiss TPH about conducting his research in a politically unst
Gut microbes - Friends or foes? (Blog)
Julian Dommann, Master Student at Swiss TPH, was part of a study that found an association between gut-microbial community and drug efficacy against soil transmitted helminth infections. The original
Fighting parasites in a conflict torn country (Blog)
Maurice M. Nigo is the Director of the Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales (ISTM) in Bunia, one of the poorest provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Since the 1990s, an armed co
The ‘death rays’ that never were (Blog)
To anti-5G activists he’s like a red rag to a bull: Martin Röösli, a professor for environmental epidemiology at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel. But early on in his career, he
The ‘shadow pandemic’ requires more than a shadow response (Blog)
Thirty years on and the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence (GBV) is as important now as it was in its first year. Starting annually on November 25, the International Day for the Elimina
In Nigeria, an electronic application improves quality of health care for children (Blog)
An electronic application is improving the quality of health care for children under five years old. ALMANACH, short for the Algorithm for the Management of Childhood Illness, is a user-friendly appli
Antimicrobial resistance: the silent pandemic (Blog)
For Antimicrobial Awareness Week, Esther Künzli, Ad Interim Head of the Travel Clinic and Infectious Disease Specialist, joined us to speak about the silent killer that is currently being overshadowed
Overcoming discrimination barriers: a refugee’s journey (Blog)
Lujain Alchalabi is a Syrian refugee and an Epidemiology master student at Swiss TPH. She came to Switzerland after leaving behind her home and career as a dentist, having no idea what she would do be
Using innovative new tools to advance progress in NTDs (Blog)
Great strides have been made in the fight against neglected tropical diseases over the past 20 years, but the global burden is still considerable. In order to end the neglect, novel tools and innovati