Monkey malaria in a European traveler returning from Malaysia (Publications)
knowlesi, a parasite that usually causes malaria in monkeys. P. knowlesi has established itself as the fifth Plasmodium species that can cause human malaria. The disease is potentially life-threatening
Severe malaria and concomitant bacteraemia in children admitted to a rural Mozambican hospital (Publications)
severe malaria. RESULTS: Seven thousand and forty-three children were admitted with a diagnosis of malaria. 25.2% fulfilled the criteria for severe malaria. 5.4% of the children with severe malaria and valid [...] rates of severe malaria cases rose steeply when bacteraemia was also present (from 4.0% to 22.0%, P < 0.0001), and bacteraemia was an independent risk factor for death among severe malaria patients (adjusted [...] associated with severe malaria syndromes, or anaemia severity groups. No...