Rapid urban malaria appraisal (RUMA) I: Epidemiology of urban malaria in Ouagadougou (Publications)
major impact on malaria epidemiology. While much is known about malaria in rural areas in Burkina Faso, the urban situation is less well understood. METHODS: An assessment of urban malaria was carried out [...] during which a rapid urban malaria appraisal (RUMA) was applied. RESULTS: The school parasitaemia prevalence was relatively high (48.3%) at the cold and dry season 2002. Routine malaria statistics indicated [...] 0%, respectively. The health facilities were likely to overestimate the mala...
Rapid urban malaria appraisal (RUMA) IV: epidemiology of urban malaria in Cotonou (Benin) (Publications)
of Cotonou there were 100,257 reported simple malaria cases (34.6%) and 12,195 complicated malaria cases (4.2%). In the school parasitaemia surveys, a malaria infection was found in 5.2 % of all samples [...] population in Benin lives in urban areas. The purpose of the study was to estimate malaria endemicity and the fraction of malaria-attributable fevers in health facilities in Cotonou. METHODS: A health care system [...] in of 2003, applying standard Rapid Urban Malaria Appraisal (RUMA)...
Rapid urban malaria appraisal (RUMA) III: epidemiology of urban malaria in the municipality of Yopougon (Abidjan) (Publications)
concerning urban malaria patterns in general and in Abidjan in particular. The prevalence of malaria, its distribution in the city and the fractions of fevers attributable to malaria in the health facilities [...] of 2002, applying a standardized Rapid Urban Malaria Appraisal (RUMA) methodology. RESULTS: According to national statistics, approximately 240,000 malaria cases (both clinical cases and laboratory confirmed [...] frequent (31% of all respondents) and associated with a malaria...
Cost-effectiveness of iron supplementation and malaria chemoprophylaxis in the prevention of anaemia and malaria among Tanzanian infants (Publications)
year (DALY) for malaria chemoprophylaxis with Deltaprim (a combination of 3.125 mg pyrimethamine and 25 mg dapsone) + iron, Deltaprim alone, or iron supplementation alone. For malaria prevention, Deltaprim [...] were less costly than the current malaria and anaemia control strategies that rely on clinical case management. This economic analysis supports the inclusion of both malaria chemoprophylaxis and iron supp [...] Prerequisites for effective interventions against severe anaemia and malaria...
Simulating the council-specific impact of anti-malaria interventions: a tool to support malaria strategic planning in Tanzania (Publications)
specific expected targets. METHODS: The OpenMalaria model of malaria dynamics was calibrated for all 184 councils in mainland Tanzania using data from malaria indicator surveys, school parasitaemia surveys [...] decision-making process for malaria control and elimination strategies has become more challenging. Interventions need to be targeted at council level to allow for changing malaria epidemiology and an increase [...] for the historical trend (2003-2016) (95%CI: 0.87-0.93) The current...
Estimation of malaria-attributable fever in malaria test-positive febrile outpatients in three provinces of Mozambique, 2018 (Publications)
estimate the proportion of malaria-attributable fevers in malaria test-positive febrile patients. Depending on the antigen, estimated rates of malaria-attributable fever in malaria test-positive febrile patients [...] Like most malaria-endemic countries, Mozambique relies on tabulation of confirmed malaria test-positive febrile patients to track incidence of malaria. However, this approach is potentially biased by [...] indicate that most malaria test-positive febrile patients in the three...
Correction to: Malaria control across borders: quasi-experimental evidence from the Trans-Kunene malaria initiative (TKMI) (Publications)
Following publication of the original article [1], the authors flagged an error in Addition file 6.
Malaria treatment for prevention: a modelling study of the impact of routine case management on malaria prevalence and burden (Publications)
to explore how increasing treatment of symptomatic cases impacts malaria prevalence and incidence. METHODS: Leveraging the OpenMalaria stochastic agent-based transmission model, we first simulated an array [...] BACKGROUND: Testing and treating symptomatic malaria cases is crucial for case management, but it may also prevent future illness by reducing mean infection duration. Measuring the impact of effective [...] and 54% incorporated to reflect the 2023 coverage distribution across Africa, as...
The Equatoguinean Malaria Vaccine Initiative: from the launching of a clinical research platform to malaria elimination planning in Central West... (Publications)
development of a malaria vaccine. We assessed the unique public-private partnership that has had such a significant impact on malaria on Bioko Island and now added a major effort on malaria vaccine development [...] Fifteen years of investment in malaria control on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea (EG), dramatically reduced malaria-associated morbidity and mortality, but the impact has plateaued. To progress toward [...] in Equatoguinean history. The Equatoguinean Malaria Vaccine Initiative has...