Determinants of the cost-effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in infants and children (Publications)
seasonality, proportions of malaria fevers treated and drug characteristics. METHODS: We use a dynamic, individual-based simulation model of Plasmodium falciparum malaria epidemiology, antimalarial drug [...] preventive treatment in infants (IPTi) and children (IPTc) have shown promising results in reducing malaria episodes but with varying efficacy and cost-effectiveness. The effects of different intervention [...] g and more expensive drugs, high frequencies of drug resistance and high levels...
Safety of falciparum malaria diagnostic strategy based on rapid diagnostic tests in returning travellers and migrants: a retrospective study (Publications)
developed severe malaria while 6/137 of both RDT and BS positive did so. The use of RDT allowed a reduction of a median of 2.1 hours to get a first malaria test result.CONCLUSIONS: A malaria diagnostic strategy [...] tests for malaria (RDT) allow accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment. Validation of their usefulness in travellers with fever was needed. The safety of a strategy to diagnose falciparum malaria based on [...] those, 2/2028 (0.1%) developed uncomplicated malaria with both RDT and BS...
Marcel Tanner – Malaria jetzt ausrotten! [Radio Broadcast] (Publications)
Immer noch sterben jährlich 600'000 Menschen an Malaria. In den letzten Jahren sind aber die Fortschritte im Kampf gegen die Krankheit enorm. «Wir können die Krankheit ausrotten», sagt Marcel Tanner, Präsident
Nanomimics of host cell membranes block invasion and expose invasive malaria parasites (Publications)
The fight against most infectious diseases, including malaria, is often hampered by the emergence of drug resistance and lack or limited efficacies of vaccines. Therefore, new drugs, vaccines, or other [...] ligands involved in the initial attachment to host cells and they efficiently blocked reinvasion of malaria parasites after their egress from host cells in vitro. They exhibited efficacies of more than 2 orders [...] infective parasite. In the future, our strategy might offer interesting...
The impact of indoor residual spraying with malathion on malaria in refugee camps in eastern Sudan (Publications)
putative malaria patients were examined for parasites by PCR. Mortality rates in the 3 months following spraying were significantly lower in sprayed camps although differences in clinical malaria incidence