Endlich: Die Malaria-Impfung kommt [TV Broadcast] (Publications)
"Bill Gates selbst gibt am Gates Malaria Forum in Seattle die bahnbrechende Nachricht bekannt: Erstmals im 100-jährigen Kampf gegen Malaria kann die Registrierung eines Impfstoffs eingeleitet werden. Schon [...] Schon bald können also Säuglinge in Malaria-Gebieten routinemässig gegen den lebensbedrohlichen Erreger geimpft und Millionen Menschenleben gerettet werden. Einer freut sich besonders über den Durchbruch: [...] Durchbruch: Der Schweizer Marcel Tanner, unermüdlicher Kämpfer gegen Malaria...
An immigration-death model to estimate the duration of malaria infection when detectability of the parasite is imperfect (Publications)
that allows for the accrual of infections with age. The models are fitted to a panel data set of malaria genotype of parasites belonging to the msp2 FC27 and 3D7 allelic families from a study of the dynamics
Age and seasonal variation in the transition rates and detectability of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria (Publications)
of Plasmodium falciparum infections is unclear, although this is an important term in models of malaria transmission. It is problematical to determine the duration of infections because of the difficulty
Malaria ecotypes and stratification (Publications)
the variability of malaria, control programmes need to stratify their malaria problem into a number of smaller units. Such stratification may be based on the epidemiology of malaria or on its determinants [...] its usefulness for current malaria control as well as for malaria modelling on the basis of published research. Journal and grey literature was searched for articles on malaria or Anopheles combined with [...] cost-effectiveness of malaria control strategies in different scenarios should...