Malaria elimination: moving forward with spatial decision support systems (Publications)
Operational challenges facing contemporary malaria elimination have distinct geospatial elements including the need for high-resolution location-based surveillance, targeted prevention and response in [...] mapping and geographical reconnaissance (GR) has traditionally played an important role in supporting malaria control and eradication, its full potential as an applied health systems tool has not yet been fully [...] spatial decision support system (SDSS) framework for supporting the...
Feeding and survival of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae on plants growing in Kenya (Publications)
The propensity of the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) to ingest sugars from various plants, and subsequent survival rates, were assessed with laboratory-reared males [...] female An. gambiae, as well as males, and may constitute and important resource for this important malaria vector
Comparison between anopheline mosquitoes (Diptera: culicidae) caught using different methods in a malaria endemic area of Papua New Guinea (Publications)
The mosquito sampling efficiency of CDC (Centers for Disease Control) miniature light traps hung adjacent to mosquito nets, was compared with that of both indoor and outdoor human-bait collections in