The Centres for Disease Control light trap (CDC-LT) and the human decoy trap (HDT) compared to the human landing catch (HLC) for measuring... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Vector mosquito biting intensity is an important measure to understand malaria transmission. Human landing catch (HLC) is an effective but labour-intensive, expensive, and potentially hazardous
Household factors associated with access to insecticide-treated nets and house modification in Bagamoyo and Ulanga districts, Tanzania (Publications)
campaign. These findings are both lower than the least 80% coverage target of the Tanzania National Malaria Strategic Plan (Tanzania NMSP). In Ulanga, population access to ITNs was 92% (n = 1143) and ITNs
An autoencoder and artificial neural network-based method to estimate parity status of wild mosquitoes from near-infrared spectra (Publications)
acquiring blood, they may acquire pathogens, which may cause different diseases in humans such as malaria, zika, dengue, and chikungunya. Therefore, knowing the parity status of mosquitoes is useful in control
Trends of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> molecular markers associated with resistance to artemisinins and reduced susceptibility to lumefantrine in... (Publications)
Photo-induced electron transfer polymerase chain reaction (PET-PCR) was used to confirm presence of malaria parasites before capillary sequencing, which targeted two genes: Plasmodium falciparum kelch 13 propeller
Accelerating towards <em>P. vivax</em> elimination with a novel serological test-and-treat strategy: a modelling case study in Brazil (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Plasmodium vivax malaria is challenging to control and eliminate. Treatment with radical cure drugs fails to target the hidden asymptomatic and hypnozoite reservoirs in populations. PvSeroTAT
Time series analysis of survival and oviposition cycle duration of <em>Anopheles funestus</em> (Giles) in Mozambique (Publications)
Survival and gonotrophic cycle duration are important determinants of the vectorial capacity of malaria vectors but there are a limited number of approaches to estimate these quantities from field data
Widespread occurrence of copy number variants and fixation of pyrethroid target site resistance in <em>Anopheles gambiae </em>(s.l.) from southern... (Publications)
Resistance to pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae (s.l.) is conferred by a variety of genetic mutations, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
CDC light traps underestimate the protective efficacy of an indoor spatial repellent against bites from wild <em>Anopheles arabiensis </em>mosquitoes... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Methods for evaluating efficacy of core malaria interventions in experimental and operational settings are well established but gaps exist for spatial repellents (SR). The objective of this
System effectiveness of a targeted free mass distribution of long lasting insecticidal nets in Zanzibar, Tanzania (Publications)
Insecticide-treated nets (ITN) and long-lasting insecticidal treated nets (LLIN) are important means of malaria prevention. Although there is consensus regarding their importance, there is uncertainty as to which
Geospatial health: the first five years (Publications)
continent. Studies of more than 35 different diseases, injuries and risk factors have been presented. Malaria and schistosomiasis were identified as the two most important diseases (11.2% each). Almost half