The epidemiology of <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>and <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> in East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, pre- and... (Publications)
of local heterogeneity in malaria transmission and the driving factors is critical to identify and implement targeted control strategies to ensure the ongoing success of malaria control in PNG and inform [...] BACKGROUND: In the past decade, national malaria control efforts in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have received renewed support, facilitating nationwide distribution of free long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) [...] households (> 50% of household members with Plasmodium infection). CONCLUSION:...
The potential of intermittent irrigation for increasing rice yields, lowering water consumption, reducing methane emissions, and controlling malaria... (Publications)
e for transmission of malaria. The method of irrigation on an intermittent basis during the rice-cropping calendar has gained renewed interest as a potentially effective malaria control strategy since [...] irrigation in the cultivation of rice. This method has been shown to reduce significantly the density of malaria vectors by curtailing their larval development. Furthermore, reduced methane emissions and water
Challenges in routine implementation and quality control of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria: Rufiji District, Tanzania (Publications)
Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) represent an alternative to microscopy for malaria diagnosis and have shown high sensitivity and specificity in a variety of study settings. Current World Health Organization [...] April 2007, we introduced a histidine-rich protein II (HRP2)-based RDT (Paracheck) for suspected malaria cases five years of age and older in nine health facilities in Rufiji District, Tanzania, to assess
An entomopathogenic fungus for control of adult African malaria mosquitoes (Publications)
Biological control of malaria mosquitoes in Africa has rarely been used in vector control programs. Recent developments in this field show that certain fungi are virulent to adult Anopheles mosquitoes [...] delivery of an entomopathogenic fungus that infected and killed adult Anopheles gambiae, Africa's main malaria vector, was achieved in rural African village houses. An entomological inoculation rate model suggests [...] even at the observed moderate coverage during a field study in Tanzania,...
Field efficacy of thermally expelled or live potted repellent plants against African malaria vectors in western Kenya (Publications)
effectiveness of live potted plants and thermal expulsion of plant materials in repelling African malaria vectors in traditional houses in western Kenya. METHODS: Ocimum americanum, Lantana camara and Lippia [...] Culicidae) (81.5%An. arabiensis Patton and 18.5%An. gambiae sensu stricto Giles), the main vectors of malaria in Africa, with the highest repellency by C. citriodora (48.71%, P < 0.0001) followed by an equal