Correction: Testing and treatment for malaria elimination: a systematic review (Publications)
Correction: Malaria Journal (2023) 22:254
Accessibility of malaria commodities in Geita District Council, mainland Tanzania: the experiences from healthcare providers and clients (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Access to essential malaria commodities is a cornerstone in malaria control. However optimal availability and access to essential malaria commodities remain a challenge in Tanzania. Therefore [...] the accessibility, of malaria commodities in private and faith-based health facilities is still sub-optimal. Logistic management needs to be improved to eliminate stockouts and malaria commodities high costs [...] Therefore, this study aimed to explore the factors affecting the...
Occupational exposure to malaria, leishmaniasis and arbovirus vectors in endemic regions: a systematic review (Publications)
Vector-borne diseases, including dengue, leishmaniasis and malaria, may be more common among individuals whose occupations or behaviours bring them into frequent contact with these disease vectors outside [...] 16 online databases. The primary outcome was incidence or prevalence of dengue, leishmaniasis or malaria. The review excluded ecological and qualitative studies, abstracts only, letters, commentaries, reviews [...] Bite interventions for each risk group were assessed. 1170 articles were...
Severe coinfection of dengue and malaria: a case report (Publications)
substantial improvement in the diagnostic capacity. ABSTRACT: Here we report a case of dengue and malaria coinfection from the southeast region of Sudan, bordering Ethiopia and Eritrea. A 25-year-old male [...] vomiting, and muscle and joint pain. Laboratory investigations confirmed a coinfection of dengue and malaria, which is assumingly not uncommon in areas heavily syndemic with several diseases but it is severely [...] The case has fully recovered after the supportive care for dengue and...
Combined use of long-lasting insecticidal nets and <em>Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis</em> larviciding, a promising integrated approach against... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The recent reduction in malaria burden in Côte d'Ivoire is largely attributable to the use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs). However, this progress is threatened by insecticide resistance [...] resistance and behavioral changes in Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) populations and residual malaria transmission, and complementary tools are required. Thus, this study aimed to assess the efficacy [...] determined using a polymerase chain reaction technique. Plasmodium...
Reagent-free detection of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria infections in field-collected mosquitoes using mid-infrared spectroscopy and machine... (Publications)
Field-derived metrics are critical for effective control of malaria, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where the disease kills over half a million people yearly. One key metric is entomological inoculation [...] detect Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites in wild-caught Anopheles funestus, a major Afro-tropical malaria vector, without requiring any laboratory reagents. We collected 7178 female An. funestus from rural [...] detect P. falciparum in field-collected mosquitoes, with potential for...
The essential malaria protein <em>Pf</em>CyRPA targets glycans to invade erythrocytes (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum is a human-adapted apicomplexan parasite that causes the most dangerous form of malaria. P. falciparum cysteine-rich protective antigen (PfCyRPA) is an invasion complex protein essential [...] immunotherapy, or a vaccine-primed immune response is a promising strategy to prevent and treat malaria.
Optimizing malaria vector control in the Greater Mekong Subregion: a systematic review and mathematical modelling study to identify desirable... (Publications)
the daytime and night-time to advance malaria elimination. METHODS: We conducted systematic literature searches to generate a bionomic dataset of the main malaria vectors in the GMS, including human blood
Entomological survey of sibling species in the <em>Anopheles funestus</em> group in Tanzania confirms the role of <em>Anopheles parensis</em> as a... (Publications)
better understand the ecology and vectorial capacity of this and other secondary malaria vectors in the region to improve malaria control. [...] BACKGROUND: Malaria transmission in Tanzania is driven by mosquitoes of the Anopheles gambiae complex and Anopheles funestus group. The latter includes An. funestus s.s., an anthropophilic vector, which [...] provides the initial results of a cross-country study of the species composition, distribution and malaria transmission potential of members of...
Screening of malaria infections in human blood samples with varying parasite densities and anaemic conditions using AI-Powered mid-infrared... (Publications)
accurately detect malaria infections across varying parasite densities and anaemic conditions. METHODS: Plasmodium falciparum strains NF54 and FCR3 were cultured and mixed with blood from 70 malaria-free individuals [...] unseen datasets to detect malaria at various parasitaemia levels and anaemic conditions. Additionally, these classifiers were tested on samples from a population survey in malaria-endemic villages of southeastern [...] complication in malaria patients. CONCLUSION: These...