Generalized seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models for count data with application to malaria time series with low case numbers (Publications)
The models were applied to monthly malaria case time series in a district in Sri Lanka, where malaria has decreased dramatically in recent years. RESULTS: The malaria series showed long-term changes in [...] INTRODUCTION: With the renewed drive towards malaria elimination, there is a need for improved surveillance tools. While time series analysis is an important tool for surveillance, prediction and for measuring [...] on in the series. CONCLUSIONS: G(S)ARIMA models may be particularly useful...
MalHaploFreq: a computer programme for estimating malaria haplotype frequencies from blood samples (Publications)
are important surveillance tools that can inform policy choice. People infected with falciparum malaria often contain several genetically-distinct clones of the parasite; genotyping the patients' blood [...] present (i.e. its prevalence), but does not reveal its frequency. For example a person with four malaria clones may contain both mutant and wildtype forms of a marker but it is not possible to distinguish
Bayesian geostatistical modeling of Malaria Indicator Survey data in Angola (Publications)
2006-2007 Angola Malaria Indicator Survey (AMIS) is the first nationally representative household survey in the country assessing coverage of the key malaria control interventions and measuring malaria-related [...] number of parasitaemic children produced in this paper are important for planning and implementing malaria control interventions and for monitoring the impact of prevention and control activities
Interdependence of domestic malaria prevention measures and mosquito-human interactions in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Successful malaria vector control depends on understanding behavioural interactions between mosquitoes and humans, which are highly setting-specific and may have characteristic features in [...] mosquito biting patterns in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania are examined and the protection against exposure to malaria transmission that is afforded to residents by using an insecticide-treated net (ITN) is estimated
Residual antimalarials in malaria patients from Tanzania - implications on drug efficacy assessment and spread of parasite resistance (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Repeated antimalarial treatment for febrile episodes and self-treatment are common in malaria-endemic areas. The intake of antimalarials prior to participating in an in vivo study may alter treatment [...] n of both efficacy and safety outcomes. We report the findings from baseline plasma sampling of malaria patients prior to inclusion into an in vivo study in Tanzania and discuss the implications of residual
Low quality of routine microscopy for malaria at different levels of the health system in Dar es Salaam (Publications)
confirm malaria cases in Tanzania is low and presumptive treatment of malaria is being practiced widely. In malaria endemic areas WHO now recommends systematic laboratory testing when suspecting malaria. Currently [...] Currently, the use of Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) is recommended for the diagnosis of malaria in lower level peripheral facilities, but not in health centres and hospitals. In this study, the following [...] quality of routine microscopy, and (2) the effects of RDT...
Malaria treatment in the retail sector: knowledge and practices of drug sellers in rural Tanzania (Publications)
of Kilombero and Ulanga, Tanzania, we interviewed 489 shopkeepers about their knowledge of malaria and malaria treatment. A complementary mystery shoppers study was conducted in 118 retail outlets in order [...] general shops. RESULTS: Shopkeepers in drug stores were able to name more malaria symptoms and were more knowledgeable about malaria treatment than their peers in general shops. In drug stores, 52% mentioned [...] case. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of malaria case-management in the retail...
Estimating the burden of malaria in Senegal: Bayesian zero-inflated binomial geostatistical modeling of the MIS 2008 data (Publications)
(CRDH) with the technical assistance of ICF Macro and the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) conducted in 2008/2009 the Senegal Malaria Indicator Survey (SMIS), the first nationally representative household [...] household survey collecting parasitological data and malaria-related indicators. In this paper, we present spatially explicit parasitaemia risk estimates and number of infected children below 5 years. [...] infected children under the age of 5 years is Kolda (13940). The...
Modeling the public health impact of malaria vaccines for developers and policymakers (Publications)
of malaria vaccines as complements to existing interventions. However, the complexity of such models may make their outputs inaccessible to non-modeling specialists. This paper describes a Malaria Vaccine [...] BACKGROUND: Efforts to develop malaria vaccines show promise. Mathematical model-based estimates of the potential demand, public health impact, and cost and financing requirements can be used to inform [...] functionality was demonstrated by estimating the public health impact of a...