Design and pre-clinical profiling of a <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> MSP-3 derived component for a multi-valent virosomal malaria vaccine (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Clinical profiling of two components for a synthetic peptide-based virosomal malaria vaccine has yielded promising results, encouraging the search for additional components for inclusion in [...] is suitable for use in humans and represents a candidate component for a virosomal multi-valent malaria subunit vaccine
Spatio-temporal analysis of the role of climate in inter-annual variation of malaria incidence in Zimbabwe (Publications)
inter-annual variation in malaria incidence. Quantitative description of the space-time effect of this association has practical implications for the development of operational malaria early warning system [...] system (MEWS) and malaria control. We used Bayesian negative binomial models for spatio-temporal analysis of the relationship between annual malaria incidence and selected climatic covariates at a district level [...] 1988-1999. RESULTS: Considerable inter-annual variations were observed...
Target product profile choices for intra-domiciliary malaria vector control pesticide products: repel or kill? (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The most common pesticide products for controlling malaria-transmitting mosquitoes combine two distinct modes of action: 1) conventional insecticidal activity which kills mosquitoes exposed [...] mosquitoes to non-users rather than killing them outright. METHODS: A process-explicit model of malaria transmission is described which captures the sequential interaction between deterrent and toxic actions
Spatio-temporal malaria transmission patterns in Navrongo demographic surveillance site, northern Ghana (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The relationship between entomological measures of malaria transmission intensity and mortality remains uncertain. This is partly because transmission is heterogeneous even within small ge [...] analysed data from Kassena-Nankana districts in northern Ghana to obtain small area estimates of malaria transmission rates allowing for this uncertainty.METHODS: Independent Bayesian geostatistical models [...] mosquito densities.CONCLUSION: This study confirms the presence of...
From strategy development to routine implementation: the cost of Intermittent Preventive Treatment in Infants for malaria control (Publications)
Saharan Africa. Intermittent Preventive Treatment in infants (IPTi) is a promising new tool for malaria control. Although efficacy information is available for many interventions, there is a dearth of
A virosomal malaria peptide vaccine elicits a long-lasting sporozoite-inhibitory antibody response in a phase 1a clinical trial (Publications)
CSP-specific antibodies elicited in this phase 1a trial. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 46 healthy malaria-naive adults were immunized with virosomal formulations of two peptide-phosphatidylethanolamine
Modelling the epidemiological impact of intermittent preventive treatment against malaria in infants (Publications)
preventive treatment against malaria in infants (IPTi) using sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) have shown a positive, albeit variable, protective efficacy against clinical malaria episodes. The impact of IPTi [...] periods. The predicted cumulative benefits were proportionately slightly greater for severe malaria episodes and malaria-attributable mortality than for acute episodes in the settings modelled. Modest increased [...] mortality. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used a comprehensive,...
Epidemiology and clinical features of vivax malaria imported to Europe: sentinel surveillance data from TropNetEurop (Publications)
Plasmodium vivax is the second most common species among malaria patients diagnosed in Europe, but epidemiological and clinical data on imported P. vivax malaria are limited. The TropNetEurop surveillance network [...] network has monitored the importation of vivax malaria into Europe since 1999. OBJECTIVES: To present epidemiological and clinical data on imported P. vivax malaria collected at European level. MATERIAL AND [...] AND METHODS: Data of primary cases of P. vivax malaria reported...
Mapping malaria risk among children in Côte d'Ivoire using Bayesian geo-statistical models (Publications)
estimated 767,000 disability-adjusted life years are due to malaria, placing the country at position number 14 with regard to the global burden of malaria. Risk maps are important to guide control interventions [...] ons, and hence, the aim of this study was to predict the geographical distribution of malaria infection risk in children aged
Potential benefits, limitations and target product-profiles of odor-baited mosquito traps for malaria control in Africa (Publications)
as suitable technologies for controlling malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. We investigated the potential benefits of such traps for preventing malaria transmission in Africa and the essential [...] users and non-users of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), currently the primary malaria prevention method. We determined that malaria transmission declines as trap coverage (proportion of total availability of [...] match the impact of 50% community-wide ITN coverage. If such traps are used to...