Recherche de Malaria.
Malaria case management in Papua New Guinea pre- and post-impementation of a revised treatment protocol (Publications)
Initial impact of long lasting insecticide treated mosquito nets on malaria in Karimui, Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Clinical features of malaria in travelers and migrants (Publications)
Malaria: Institut Tropical Suisse (Publications)
Using volunteer computing to simulate the epidemiology and control of malaria: (Publications)
Monkey malaria in a European traveler returning from Malaysia (Publications)
Imported babesiosis diagnosed as malaria [Letters to the editor] (Publications)
Exploratory case series of febrile adult patients in a holoendemic area of Tanzania: Assessment of potential risk indicators for clinical malaria (Publications)
IMCI supplemented with malaria rapid diagnostic test and Intermittent Preventive Treatment (IPTI): impact on disease incidence and case management in... (Publications)
Effective coverage and systems effectiveness for malaria case management in sub-Saharan African countries (Publications)