Passive immunoprotection of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>-infected mice designates the CyRPA as candidate malaria vaccine antigen (Publications)
An effective malaria vaccine could prove to be the most cost-effective and efficacious means of preventing severe disease and death from malaria. In an endeavor to identify novel vaccine targets, we tested [...] represents an unprecedented in vivo model for quantitative comparison of the functional potencies of malaria-specific Abs. Our data suggest a role for CyRPA in erythrocyte invasion by the merozoite. Inhibition [...] merozoite invasion by CyRPA-specific mAbs in vitro and in vivo renders...
Methotrexate and aminopterin lack in vivo antimalarial activity against murine malaria species (Publications)
rheumatoid arthritis indicates that it could be safe and efficacious for treating malaria. We sought to establish a murine malaria model to study the mechanism of action and resistance of MTX and its analogue [...] receptor/transport to gain access to cells, their lack of efficacy against the four tested murine malaria species may be the result of inefficiency of drug transport
Malaria: burden of disease (Publications)
large parts of the planet. The failed attempt to eradicate malaria gave way to the control policy that was followed by a huge resurgence of malaria during the late 70s and 80s. Together with the emergence [...] plasmodium species and Ross confirmed that they were transmitted by female anopheline mosquitoes, malaria remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Although the areas where transmission [...] living at risk has grown to about 3 billion, and is expected to go on...
Non-stationary partition modeling of geostatistical data for malaria risk mapping (Publications)
influence geographical dependence in malaria transmission differently at different locations, introducing non-stationarity. Ignoring this characteristic in malaria spatial modeling may lead to inaccurate [...] Monte Carlo simulation. This methodology was applied to analyze malaria survey data from Mali and to produce a country-level smooth map of malaria risk [...] The most common assumption in geostatistical modeling of malaria is stationarity, that is spatial correlation is a function of the...
Asexual blood-stage malaria vaccine development: facing the challenges (Publications)
reduce morbidity. RECENT FINDINGS: There is good rationale to support the development of blood-stage malaria vaccines, the most promising being the demonstration that nonimmune volunteers repeatedly challenged [...] as well as the demonstration of the efficacy of the first asexual blood-stage vaccine tested in a malaria endemic area (combination B) to reduce parasite density in children. The selective pressure induced
The importance of mosquito behavioural adaptations to malaria control in Africa (Publications)
could have significant impacts on the effectiveness of malaria control. We propose seven recommendations to improve understanding of resistance in malaria vectors. Determining the public health impact of p [...] drug therapies, indoor residual spraying (IRS), and better health infrastructure, has helped reduce malaria in many African countries for the first time in a generation. However, insecticide resistance in [...] e resistance is an urgent priority if we are to maintain the significant...
Safety and immunogenicity of a three-component blood-stage malaria vaccine (MSP1, MSP2, RESA) against <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> in Papua New... (Publications)
Combination B is a malaria vaccine that comprises recombinant Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) blood-stage proteins MSP1, MSP2 and RESA, formulated with the adjuvant Montanide ISA 720. A phase I-IIb [...] nor increased after pre-treatment with SP and pre-treatment is not advisable in future trials of malaria vaccines, at least for those including blood-stage antigens
Malaria mapping using transmission models: application to survey data from Mali (Publications)
to age-specific malaria prevalence. The approach makes more efficient use of the available data than do previous malaria mapping methods, and it produces highly plausible maps of malaria distribution [...] Geographic mapping of the distribution of malaria is complicated by the limitations of the available data. The most widely available data are from prevalence surveys, but these surveys are generally carried [...] approach to the analysis of survey data from Mali, collected in 1965-1998,...