Nouvelles approches pour la prévention de la malaria chez le voyageur (Publications)
Malaria is declining in many tropical countries. This reduction challenges our usual preventive strategies. In moderate to low risk areas, the Swiss guidelines recommend a stand-by emergency treatment [...] making through three clinical studies. The first showed that travelers visiting moderate to low risk malaria areas prefer a standby emergency treatment rather than chemoprophylaxis. The second study investigates
Sensitive and accurate quantification of human malaria parasites using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) (Publications)
of parasite density in the human host is essential for understanding the biology and pathology of malaria. Semi-quantitative molecular methods are widely applied, but the need for an external standard curve
Gametocyte carriage in uncomplicated <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria following treatment with artemisinin combination therapy: a systematic... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Gametocytes are responsible for transmission of malaria from human to mosquito. Artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) reduces post-treatment gametocyte carriage, dependent upon host, parasite [...] pharmacodynamic factors. The gametocytocidal properties of antimalarial drugs are important for malaria elimination efforts. An individual patient clinical data meta-analysis was undertaken to identify
Malaria vectors and their blood-meal sources in an area of high bed net ownership in the western Kenya highlands (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Blood-meal sources of malaria vectors affect their capacity to transmit the disease. Most efficient malaria vectors prefer human hosts. However, with increasing personal protection measures [...] measures it becomes more difficult for them to find human hosts. Here recent malaria vector blood-meal sources in western Kenya highlands were investigated. METHODS: Adult mosquitoes resting indoors, outdoors [...] domesticated animals and 83.6 % had people sharing houses with livestock at...
Structure of the malaria vaccine candidate antigen CyRPA and its complex with a parasite invasion inhibitory antibody (Publications)
Invasion of erythrocytes by Plasmodial merozoites is a composite process involving the interplay of several proteins. Among them, the Plasmodium falciparum Cysteine-Rich Protective Antigen (PfCyRPA) i
Malaria intervention scale-up in Africa: effectiveness predictions for health programme planning tools, based on dynamic transmission modelling (Publications)
(IRS), management of uncomplicated malaria cases (CM) and seasonal malaria chemoprophylaxis (SMC) over a 10-year horizon, over a range of settings with stable endemic malaria. Generalized linear regression [...] intervention impact, to inform a malaria module in the Spectrum health programme planning tool. METHODS: The dynamic Plasmodium falciparum transmission model OpenMalaria was used to simulate health effects [...] entail a partial rebound in malaria mortality among people above 5 years of...
Stakeholders' opinions and questions regarding the anticipated malaria vaccine in Tanzania (Publications)
accept the malaria vaccine despite the need to continue using insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), while 88.4 % reported that they will accept malaria vaccine even if their children get malaria less often [...] opinions towards malaria vaccine were due to a need for additional malaria prevention strategies and expectations that the vaccine will reduce visits to the health facility, deaths, malaria episodes and [...] BACKGROUND: Within the context of combined interventions, malaria vaccine may...
Ecological drivers of <em>Mansonella perstans</em> infection in Uganda and patterns of co-endemicity with lymphatic filariasis and malaria (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Mansonella perstans is a widespread, but relatively unknown human filarial parasite transmitted by Culicoides biting midges. Although it is found in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, only
Susceptibility of <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> to insecticides used for malaria vector control in Rwanda (Publications)
a major threat to the gains made in malaria control. To monitor the presence and possible emergence of resistance against a variety of insecticides used for malaria control in Rwanda, nationwide insecticide [...] using the synergist PBO. CONCLUSION: This is the first nationwide study of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors in Rwanda. It shows the gradual increase of insecticide resistance to pyrethroids (lambd [...] testing and implement an insecticide resistance management strategy to...