Malaria seasonality and rainfall seasonality in Sri Lanka are correlated in space (Publications)
seasonality of malaria and seasonality of rainfall was studied in Sri Lanka. A simple seasonality index was developed by making use of the bimodal seasonality of both malaria and rainfall. The malaria seasonality [...] rainfall seasonality index in explaining the malaria seasonality index was found to be significant. The results suggest that rainfall is an important driver of malaria seasonality
Mapping and predicting malaria transmission in the People's Republic of China, using integrated biology-driven and statistical models (Publications)
humidity, which thus determines the extent of malaria transmission. However, in regions with relative humidity > 60%, temperature is the major driver of malaria transmission intensity. By integrating bio [...] The purpose of this study was to deepen our understanding of Plasmodium vivax malaria transmission patterns in the People's Republic of China (P.R. China). An integrated modeling approach was employed [...] and statistical models. A Delphi approach was used to determine environmental...
Rise in malaria incidence rates in South Africa: a small-area spatial analysis of variation in time trends (Publications)
analysis were that: 1) the spatial distribution of the rise in malaria incidence is uneven and strongly suggests a geographic expansion of high-malaria-risk areas; 2) there is evidence of a stabilization of incidence [...] Bayesian statistical models, the authors investigated spatial and temporal variations in small-area malaria incidence rates for the period mid-1986 to mid-1999 for two districts in northern KwaZulu Natal,
Eradication of<em> Anopheles gambiae</em> from Brazil: lessons for malaria control in Africa? (Publications)
Current malaria-control strategies emphasise domestic protection against adult mosquitoes with insecticides, and improved access to medical services. Malaria prevention by killing adult mosquitoes is generally [...] suppressed malaria for over 20 years around a Zambian copper mine. These affordable approaches were neglected after the advent of dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT) and global malaria-control policy [...] be re-prioritised for research, development, and implementation as an...
Malaria transmission dynamics in central Côte d'Ivoire: the influence of changing patterns of irrigated rice agriculture (Publications)
The dynamics of malaria transmission was studied comparatively in the villages of Zatta and Tiemelekro, central Cote d'Ivoire, from February 2002 to August 2003. Prominent agroecosystems in these villages [...] Tiemelekro, respectively. Anopheles gambiae Giles s.l. was the predominant mosquito and the key malaria vector throughout, followed by An. funestus Giles. Anthropophily among adult female Anopheles exceeded [...] to a farmers' conflict over land, might be the underlying cause for the...
Effect of agricultural activities on prevalence rates, and clinical and presumptive malaria episodes in central Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
fever and clinically confirmed malaria episodes among children aged 15 years and below by means of repeated cross-sectional surveys. Additionally, presumptive malaria cases were monitored in dispensaries [...] habitations, malaria prevalence rates in 2003 were significantly lower than in 2002 and 2005, which coincided with the interruption of irrigated rice farming in 2003/2004. Although malaria transmission [...] proportions of severe malaria episodes (i.e. axillary temperature> 37.5 degrees C...