CRISPR/Cas9-engineered inducible gametocyte producer lines as a valuable tool for <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>malaria transmission research (Publications)
The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum replicates inside erythrocytes in the blood of infected humans. During each replication cycle, a small proportion of parasites commits to sexual development and [...] In summary, we believe the iGP approach developed here will greatly expedite basic and applied malaria transmission stage research.
Evaluation of different deployment strategies for larviciding to control malaria: a simulation study (Publications)
METHODS: A malaria transmission model, OpenMalaria, was used to simulate varying larviciding strategies and their impact on host-seeking mosquito densities, entomological inoculation rate (EIR) and malaria prevalence [...] BACKGROUND: Larviciding against malaria vectors in Africa has been limited to indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated nets, but is increasingly being considered by some countries as a complementary [...] g were simulated for three transmission intensities and four...
Revisiting the effect of pharmaceuticals on transmission stage formation in the malaria parasite <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> (Publications)
Malaria parasites rely on specialized stages, called gametocytes, to ensure human-to-human transmission. The formation of these sexual precursor cells is initiated by commitment of blood stage parasites [...] vivo. These observations suggest that therapeutic interventions may promote gametocytogenesis and malaria transmission. Here, we engineered a P. falciparum reporter line to quantify sexual commitment rates [...] rates after exposure to antimalarials and other pharmaceuticals commonly...
Multi-insecticide resistant malaria vectors in the field remain susceptible to malathion, despite the presence of <em>Ace1</em> point mutations (Publications)
Insecticide resistance in Anopheles mosquitoes is seriously threatening the success of insecticide-based malaria vector control. Surveillance of insecticide resistance in mosquito populations and identifying the
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> parasite prevalence in East Africa: updating data for malaria stratification (Publications)
Burden High Impact (HBHI) strategy for malaria encourages countries to use multiple sources of available data to define the sub-national vulnerabilities to malaria risk, including parasite prevalence. Here [...] to provide a more contemporary understanding of the sub-national malaria prevalence stratification across the sub-region for 2019. Malaria prevalence data from surveys undertaken between January 2010 and
Detection of asymptomatic malaria in Asian countries: a meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy (Publications)
Background: Achieving malaria elimination requires the targeting of the human reservoir of infection, including those patients with asymptomatic infection. The objective was to synthesise evidence on the [...] accuracy of the rapid- onsite diagnostic tests (RDTs) and microscopy for the detection of asymptomatic malaria as part of the surveillance activities in Asian countries. Methods: This was a meta-analysis of [...] that evaluated the diagnostic per- formance of RDTs and microscopy for...
Multi-dose priming regimens of PfSPZ vaccine: safety and efficacy against controlled human malaria infection in Equatoguinean adults (Publications)
Tolerability, safety, immunogenicity, and vaccine efficacy (VE) against homologous-controlled human malaria infection (CHMI) 6-7 weeks after vaccination were assessed to down-select the best regimen. All four
Should deep-sequenced amplicons become the new gold-standard for analysing malaria drug clinical trials? (Publications)
used to distinguish genotyping 'noise' from real low density signals, the local epidemiology of malaria transmission, and the potential impact of genetic signals from gametocytes. Results. AmpSeq greatly