Socially-marketed rapid diagnostic tests and ACT in the private sector: ten years of experience in Cambodia (Publications)
some populations have recently experienced dramatic declines in malaria, the majority of those most at risk of Plasmodium falciparum malaria still lack access to effective treatment with artemisinin combination [...] which, in many countries, plays an important role in the provision of malaria treatment. The Affordable Medicines Facility for malaria (AMFm) is a recent initiative that aims to increase the provision of
Dengue fever in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: clinical features and outcome in populations of black and non-black racial category (Publications)
are under-reported in Africa and often mistaken for malaria. These results highlight the need to introduce point-of-care tests, beside the one for malaria, to detect outbreaks and orientate diagnosis. TRIAL [...] clinical presentation, including warning signs, was assessed by logistic regression adjusted for age, malaria coinfection, secondary dengue and duration of symptoms at inclusion. The independent association [...] attended care after a slightly longer duration of symptoms (median of 2.9...
Association between the proportion of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> and <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> infections detected by passive surveillance and the... (Publications)
proportion of infections detected in routine malaria data, P(Detect), was derived from paired household cross-sectional survey and routinely collected malaria data within health facilities. P(Detect) was [...] BACKGROUND: Passively collected malaria case data are the foundation for public health decision making. However, because of population-level immunity, infections might not always be sufficiently symptomatic [...] model in 431 clusters spanning the Americas, Africa, and Asia. The...
High sensitivity detection of <em>Plasmodium</em> species reveals positive correlations between infections of different species, shifts in age... (Publications)
molecular diagnosis reveals patterns of malaria risk that are significantly different from those obtained by standard LM. Results provide insight relevant to design of malaria control and eradication strategies [...] BACKGROUND: When diagnosed by standard light microscopy (LM), malaria prevalence can vary significantly between sites, even at local scale, and mixed species infections are consistently less common than [...] high-throughput molecular species diagnostic assay now enables routine...
Socially-marketed rapid diagnostic tests and ACT in the private sector: ten years of experience in Cambodia (Publications)
some populations have recently experienced dramatic declines in malaria, the majority of those most at risk of Plasmodium falciparum malaria still lack access to effective treatment with artemisinin combination [...] which, in many countries, plays an important role in the provision of malaria treatment. The Affordable Medicines Facility for malaria (AMFm) is a recent initiative that aims to increase the provision of
High sensitivity detection of <em>Plasmodium</em> species reveals positive correlations between infections of different species, shifts in age... (Publications)
molecular diagnosis reveals patterns of malaria risk that are significantly different from those obtained by standard LM. Results provide insight relevant to design of malaria control and eradication strategies [...] BACKGROUND: When diagnosed by standard light microscopy (LM), malaria prevalence can vary significantly between sites, even at local scale, and mixed species infections are consistently less common than [...] high-throughput molecular species diagnostic assay now enables routine...
Dengue fever in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: clinical features and outcome in populations of black and non-black racial category (Publications)
are under-reported in Africa and often mistaken for malaria. These results highlight the need to introduce point-of-care tests, beside the one for malaria, to detect outbreaks and orientate diagnosis. TRIAL [...] clinical presentation, including warning signs, was assessed by logistic regression adjusted for age, malaria coinfection, secondary dengue and duration of symptoms at inclusion. The independent association [...] attended care after a slightly longer duration of symptoms (median of 2.9...
Association between the proportion of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> and <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> infections detected by passive surveillance and the... (Publications)
proportion of infections detected in routine malaria data, P(Detect), was derived from paired household cross-sectional survey and routinely collected malaria data within health facilities. P(Detect) was [...] BACKGROUND: Passively collected malaria case data are the foundation for public health decision making. However, because of population-level immunity, infections might not always be sufficiently symptomatic [...] model in 431 clusters spanning the Americas, Africa, and Asia. The...
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) | Services at Swiss TPH (Page)
Read more Scoping study on gene drive use in malaria-transmitting mosquitoes in West Africa Genetically modified mosquitoes have great potential for malaria control. Together with the University of Liverpool [...] mosquito releases, raise awareness of genetic control tools for malaria among policy makers, and review regulatory frameworks for malaria control and genetically modified organisms in 15 West African countries [...] potential use of Anopheles mosquitoes containing a gene drive...
Case studies in public-private-partnership in health with the focus of enhancing the accessibility of health interventions (Publications)
level NGO consortium with a focus on malaria and the second one is an international advocacy group with an overarching goal of protecting children against malaria through an innovative mechanism. The case [...] case study approach is used to analyze why the PPP approach was used to address malaria control and how it was implemented. Both PPPs demonstrated that relationships between the public and private sector