Efficacy and safety of mefloquine, artesunate, mefloquine-artesunate, and praziquantel against <em>Schistosoma haematobium</em>: randomized,... (Publications)
Schistosoma who were treated with a mefloquine-artesunate combination against malaria might have a dual benefit: clearance of malaria parasitemia and reduction of schistosomiasis-related morbidity. CLINICAL [...] and praziquantel (40 mg/kg) against Schistosoma haematobium. The effects on Schistosoma mansoni, malaria parasitemia, soil-transmitted helminths, and intestinal protozoa were also determined. RESULTS: A
Human exposure to anopheline mosquitoes occurs primarily indoors, even for users of insecticide-treated nets in Luangwa Valley, south-east Zambia (Publications)
insecticidal products. We studied the human biting behaviour of the malaria vector Anopheles funestus Giles and the potential malaria vector Anopheles quadriannulatus Theobald in Luangwa valley, south-east [...] ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Current front line malaria vector control methods such as indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), rely upon the preference of many primary vectors
Access to artemisinin-based anti-malarial treatment and its related factors in rural Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Artemisinin-based combination treatment (ACT) has been widely adopted as one of the main malaria control strategies. However, its promise to save thousands of lives in sub-Saharan Africa depends [...] of fever onset. In neither of the HDSS site was age, sex, socio-economic status or seasonality of malaria found to be significantly correlated with timely access. CONCLUSION: Timely access to authorized [...] major bottle neck and new more innovative interventions are needed to raise...
Costing RTS,S introduction in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda: a generalizable approach drawing on publicly available data (Publications)
Recent results from the phase 3 trial of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine show that the vaccine induced partial protection against clinical malaria in infants and children; given the high burden of the disease [...] disease it is currently considered for use in malaria endemic countries. To inform adoption decisions the paper proposes a generalizable methodology to estimate the cost of vaccine introduction using routinely
Assessing whether universal coverage with insecticide-treated nets has been achieved: is the right indicator being used? (Publications)
(ITNs) are the primary tool for malaria vector control in sub-Saharan Africa, and have been responsible for an estimated two-thirds of the reduction in the global burden of malaria in recent years. While the [...] ITN for 2 people did not exceed 60% at the national level in any survey, except in Uganda's 2014 Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS). At 80% population ITN access, the expected proportion of households with [...] success of an ITN distribution programme. Under current ITN distribution...
Long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) ownership, use and cost of implementation after a mass distribution campaign in Kasai Occidental Province,... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) are a highly effective means for preventing malaria infection and reducing associated morbidity and mortality. Mass free distribution campaigns have been [...] six months after the mass distribution. Descriptive statistics were used to measure changes in key malaria household indicators. LLIN ownership and use were compared between delivery strategies. Univariate [...] have a significant impact on LLIN use (69.6% [95% CI 63.1-75.5%] versus 65.7%...
Turmhaus-Talks - Die Vortragsreihe für gesundes Reisen und Leben (Page)
Reisemedizin Flyer Vortragsreihe Der lange Weg zum Malaria-Impfstoff: Durchbruch mit Hindernissen Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2024, 18:00-19:00 Uhr Malaria hat die Menschheitsgeschichte geprägt und Spuren im [...] Jahre, bis der erste Impfstoff gegen Malaria zugelassen wurde. Jetzt wollen afrikanische Länder den Impfstoff massiv einsetzen. Rückt damit eine Welt ohne Malaria in greifbare Nähe? Erfahren Sie, welche
Long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) ownership, use and cost of implementation after a mass distribution campaign in Kasai Occidental Province,... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) are a highly effective means for preventing malaria infection and reducing associated morbidity and mortality. Mass free distribution campaigns have been [...] six months after the mass distribution. Descriptive statistics were used to measure changes in key malaria household indicators. LLIN ownership and use were compared between delivery strategies. Univariate [...] have a significant impact on LLIN use (69.6% [95% CI 63.1-75.5%] versus 65.7%...
Assessing whether universal coverage with insecticide-treated nets has been achieved: is the right indicator being used? (Publications)
(ITNs) are the primary tool for malaria vector control in sub-Saharan Africa, and have been responsible for an estimated two-thirds of the reduction in the global burden of malaria in recent years. While the [...] ITN for 2 people did not exceed 60% at the national level in any survey, except in Uganda's 2014 Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS). At 80% population ITN access, the expected proportion of households with [...] success of an ITN distribution programme. Under current ITN distribution...
Medicines Development | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
platforms, malaria drug resistance genotyping services and the development of vaccines and treatments for tropical infectious diseases. The MDU excels in providing global genotyping services for malaria resistance [...] on diseases such as malaria, respiratory viruses, Buruli ulcer and undifferentiated febrile diseases. Our Core Competencies Our core expertise is in molecular genotyping for malaria drug resistance testing [...] testing, diagnostic development of non-invasive and innovative...