MAHRP2, an exported protein of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>, is an essential component of Maurer's cleft tethers (Publications)
Summary Upon invasion into erythrocytes, the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum must refurbish the host cell. The objective of this study was to elucidate the location and function of MAHRP2 in these
<em>Schistosoma</em>, other helminth infections, and associated risk factors in preschool-aged children in urban Tanzania (Publications)
and performed medical examinations. We performed full blood cell counts and screened for HIV and malaria. Point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen (POC-CCA), urine filtration, Kato-Katz, FLOTAC, and Baermann
<em>Plasmodium vivax </em>molecular diagnostics in community surveys: pitfalls and solutions (Publications)
ial DNA-based assay increased prevalence from 4.9 to 6.5%. The usefulness of molecular tests in malaria epidemiological studies is widely recognized, especially when precise prevalence rates are desired
<em>In vitro</em> assessment of the pharmacodynamic properties and the partitioning of OZ277/RBx-11160 in cultures of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: Using synchronous cultures of Plasmodium falciparum malaria, the stage sensitivity of the parasite to OZ277 (RBx-11160), the first fully synthetic antimalarial peroxide that has entered Phase
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> centromeres display a unique epigenetic makeup and cluster prior to and during schizogony (Publications)
organisms. The centromeres of Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of the most severe form of malaria have been broadly mapped on most chromosomes, but their epigenetic composition remained undefined
<em>In vitro</em> antiplasmodial activity and cytotoxicity of extracts and chromatographic fractions of twigs from <em>Pappea capensi</em>s EckI &... (Publications)
The Vha-Venda people of South Africa use Pappea capensis EckI & Zeyh. (Sapindaceae) twigs to treat malaria and its related symptoms. AIM OF STUDY: The main aim of this study was to evaluate the antiplasmodial [...] in P. capensis twigs. CONCLUSION: The study validates the ethnomedicinal use of P. capensis for malaria treatment. It demonstrated the potential of discovering novel antiplasmodial constituents that could
<em>In vitro</em> antiplasmodial activity and cytotoxicity of extracts and chromatographic fractions of twigs from <em>Pappea capensi</em>s EckI &... (Publications)
The Vha-Venda people of South Africa use Pappea capensis EckI & Zeyh. (Sapindaceae) twigs to treat malaria and its related symptoms. AIM OF STUDY: The main aim of this study was to evaluate the antiplasmodial [...] in P. capensis twigs. CONCLUSION: The study validates the ethnomedicinal use of P. capensis for malaria treatment. It demonstrated the potential of discovering novel antiplasmodial constituents that could
Cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterases of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>: PfPDEalpha, a non-essential cGMP-specific PDE that is an integral... (Publications)
potential targets for PDE inhibitor-based anti-parasitic drugs. Genomes of the various agents of human malaria, most notably Plasmodium falciparum, all contain four genes for class 1 PDEs. The catalytic domains
Quantifying the evolution and impact of antimalarial drug resistance: drug use, spread of resistance, and drug failure over a 12-year period in Papua... (Publications)
key factor driving drug resistance and reduced treatment effectiveness in Plasmodium falciparum malaria, but there are few formal, quantitative analyses of this process. METHODS. We analyzed drug usage
Insecticide resistance and its association with target-site mutations in natural populations of <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> from eastern Uganda (Publications)
Insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae threatens the success of malaria vector control programmes in sub-Saharan Africa. In order to manage insecticide resistance successfully, it is essential to