Impact of malaria pre-exposure on anti-parasite cellular and humoral immune responses after controlled human malaria infection (Publications)
understand the effect of previous malaria exposure on anti-parasite immune responses is important for developing successful immunization strategies. Controlled human malaria infections (CHMI) using cryopreserved [...] sporozoites provide a unique opportunity to study differences in acquisition or re-call of anti-malaria immune responses in individuals from different transmission settings and genetic backgrounds. In [...] In this study, we compared anti-parasite humoral and cellular immune...
Performance of HRP-2 based rapid diagnostic test for malaria and its variation with age in an area of intense malaria transmission in southern... (Publications)
areas of intense malaria transmission varies by age and the prevalence of P. falciparum infection. The particularly low specificity among children will lead to the over-estimation of malaria infection prevalence [...] BACKGROUND: The use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) has been widely advocated to improve Plasmodium falciparum diagnosis, especially in settings where quality microscopy is not available. RDTs [...] falciparum parasites/200 leucocytes). A sample of 598 individuals living...
Increased use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests improves targeting of anti-malarial treatment in rural Tanzania: implications for nationwide rollout... (Publications)
Health Organization recommends parasitological confirmation of all malaria cases. Tanzania is implementing a phased rollout of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for routine use in all levels of care [...] confirmation of malaria diagnosis. This study was carried out to evaluated artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) prescribing patterns in febrile patients with and without uncomplicated malaria in one pre-RDT [...] and low malaria transmission seasons in 2010 in both areas. Clinical...
History of malaria control in Tajikistan and rapid malaria appraisal in an agro-ecological setting (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Reported malaria cases in rice growing areas in western Tajikistan were at the root of a rapid appraisal of the local malaria situation in a selected agro-ecological setting where only scarce [...] by a review of the epidemiology and control of malaria in Tajikistan and Central Asia from 1920 until today. Following a resurgence in the 1990s, malaria transmission has been reduced considerably in [...] Plasmodium falciparum persist. METHODS: The rapid malaria appraisal was carried out...
Geographical patterns and predictors of malaria risk in Zambia: Bayesian geostatistical modelling of the 2006 Zambia national malaria indicator survey... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The Zambia Malaria Indicator Survey (ZMIS) of 2006 was the first nation-wide malaria survey, which combined parasitological data with other malaria indicators such as net use, indoor residual [...] parasitaemia risk and environmental/climatic predictors of malaria. A number of models were fitted to capture the (potential) non-linearity in the malaria-environment relation and to identify the elapsing time [...] overview of the malaria situation in Zambia. These maps can assist to...
The public health impact of malaria vaccine RTS,S in malaria endemic Africa: country-specific predictions using 18 month follow-up Phase III data and... (Publications)
control programs, assuming continuation of current levels of malaria exposure and of health system performance, will potentially avert 100-580 malaria deaths and 45,000 to 80,000 clinical episodes per 100,000 [...] BACKGROUND: The RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine candidate recently completed Phase III trials in 11 African sites. Recommendations for its deployment will partly depend on predictions of public health impact [...] estimated by Bayesian fitting of these models to the site- and time-specific...
Relationship between child survival and malaria transmission: an analysis of the malaria transmission intensity and mortality burden across Africa... (Publications)
relationship between malaria mortality and levels of transmission is unclear. Due to methodological limitations, earlier efforts to assess the linkage have lead to inconclusive results. The malaria transmission [...] assessing the malaria transmission-mortality relation involves more than the knowledge on the performance of interventions and control measures. This relation depends on the levels of malaria endemicity and [...] age and insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), were fitted to assess the...
Cost-effectiveness of iron supplementation and malaria chemoprophylaxis in the prevention of anaemia and malaria among Tanzanian infants (Publications)
year (DALY) for malaria chemoprophylaxis with Deltaprim (a combination of 3.125 mg pyrimethamine and 25 mg dapsone) + iron, Deltaprim alone, or iron supplementation alone. For malaria prevention, Deltaprim [...] were less costly than the current malaria and anaemia control strategies that rely on clinical case management. This economic analysis supports the inclusion of both malaria chemoprophylaxis and iron supp [...] Prerequisites for effective interventions against severe anaemia and malaria...