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Natural insulin is cost-effective (Publications)
Using the behavioral economic model (BEM) to create practical field applications to improve ICS adoption (Publications)
Managing pharmaceuticals in international Health (Publications)
Miltefosin - eine Fallstudie, wie öffentliche Erfindungen für arme Länder verfügbar gemacht werden können (Publications)
<em>Strongyloides stercoralis</em> is highly prevalent on Mekong Islands in southern Loa PDR (Publications)
Equitable access to water in multi-water supply systems of Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
An exploration of multilevel modeling for estimating access to drinking-water and sanitation (Publications)
Under pressure: health care reform in Romania: Reorganisation of neonatology services (Publications)
Monitoring der Stillfreundlichkeit in zertifizierten Geburtskliniken und in Kliniken oder Spitälern, die das Zertifikat anstreben (Baby Friendly... (Publications)
Applying technology in informal sector health insurance schemes - the example of the insurance management information system in Tanzania, Nepal and... (Publications)