FLOTAC: a promising technique for detecting helminth eggs in human faeces (Publications)
There is a tendency to neglect diagnostic issues in the era of 'preventive chemotherapy' in human helminthiases. However, accurate diagnosis cannot be overemphasized for adequate patient management an
Crying babies, tired mothers: What do we know? A systematic review (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: to synthesise the evidence on the interconnectedness of infant crying and maternal tiredness in the postpartum period, both from quantitative as well as from qualitative studies. METHODS: a
Impact of a single exercise bout on energy expenditure and spontaneous physical activity of obese boys (Publications)
The main objective of the present study was to determine whether a structured, laboratory-based exercise task would modify the energy expenditure (EE) and the pattern of spontaneous physical activity
Pulmonary effects of indoor- and outdoor-generated particles in children with asthma (Publications)
Most particulate matter (PM) health effects studies use outdoor (ambient) PM as a surrogate for personal exposure. However, people spend most of their time indoors exposed to a combination of indoor-g
Temperature-related overestimation of energy expenditure, based on heart-rate monitoring in obese boys (Publications)
An equation has been developed to reduce the error in predicting energy expenditure (EE) from heart rate (HR) monitoring, by correcting for climate-related HR increases. To evaluate the effects of suc
Scaling up priority health interventions in Tanzania: the human resources challenge (Publications)
The international community has set ambitious goals (Millennium Development Goals) to improve health in developing countries by 2015. Effective and often cheap interventions exist to achieve these goa