Genetic variability, differentiation, and founder effect in golden jackals (Canis aureus) from Serbia as revealed by mitochondrial DNA and nuclear... (Publications)
We analyzed 121 golden jackals (Canis aureus) from six sample sites in Serbia with regard to genetic variability and differentiation as revealed by mitochondrial control region sequences and eight nuc
Evaluation of giant African pouched rats for detection of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients from a high-endemic setting (Publications)
BACKGROUND: This study established evidence about the diagnostic performance of trained giant African pouched rats for detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum of well-characterised patients wit
cART prescription trends in a prospective HIV cohort in rural Tanzania from 2007 to 2011 (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Since 2010, World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines discourage using stavudine in first-line regimens due to frequent and severe side effects. This study describes the implementation of
Cure frailty models for survival data: application to recurrences for breast cancer and to hospital readmissions for colorectal cancer (Publications)
Owing to the natural evolution of a disease, several events often arise after a first treatment for the same subject. For example, patients with a primary invasive breast cancer and treated with breas