Improvements in access to malaria treatment in Tanzania following community, retail sector and health facility interventions - a user perspective (Publications)
Treatment-seeking and awareness of malaria was already high at baseline, but various improvements were seen between 2004 and 2008, namely: better understanding causes of malaria (from 62% to 84%); an increase [...] approach aimed at improving understanding and treatment of malaria has led to tangible improvements in terms of people's actions for the treatment of malaria. However, progress was hindered by the low availability [...] BACKGROUND: The ACCESS programme aims at understanding and...
Improvements in access to malaria treatment in Tanzania after switch to artemisinin combination therapy and the introduction of accredited drug... (Publications)
Dispensing Outlets (ADDO) was created in Tanzania. Tanzania changed its first-line treatment for malaria from sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) to artemether-lumefantrine (ALu) in 2007. Subsidized ALu was [...] made available in both health facilities and ADDOs. The effect of these interventions on access to malaria treatment was studied in rural Tanzania. METHODS: The study was carried out in the villages of Kilombero [...] outlets. The data were complemented with DSS population data. RESULTS:...