Humoral immune responses during a malaria vaccine trial in Tanzanian infants (Publications)
The development of a malaria vaccine is a priority for improved and sustained malaria control. Optimal use of a vaccine in Africa will only be achieved if it can be delivered through the Expanded Programme [...] preimmunization levels by 2 years of age and which was not associated with protection against clinical malaria. The vaccine induced no IgG antibodies against (NANP)50 or P. falciparum lysates. SPf66 stimulated
Comparative cost models of a liquid nitrogen vapor phase (LNVP) cold chain-distributed cryopreserved malaria vaccine vs. a conventional vaccine (Publications)
the costs and compare these costs to those that would be incurred in distributing a 'conventional' malaria vaccine through the EPI. Capital and recurrent costs for storage, transportation, labor, energy usage
Pan-African Training School on Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases (Malaria) (Projects)
infectious diseases, focusing on Malaria, at the Center of Epidemiological and Modelling Analysis (CEMA), Nairobi, Kenya. This two-week event will host 15 participants from malaria-endemic African countries and [...] epidemiology, and data science. The course will cover infectious disease modelling theory, specifically malaria, and provide hands-on experience with R programming and model simulations. Participants will apply [...] through guided projects applicable to their specific areas of...