Geostatistical modelling of malaria indicator survey data to assess the effects of interventions on the geographical distribution of malaria... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria burden in Uganda has declined disproportionately among regions despite overall high intervention coverage across all regions. The Uganda Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS) 2014-15 was the [...] intervention effects on malaria prevalence in Uganda among children less than 5 years, assess intervention effects at regional level, and estimate geographical distribution of malaria prevalence in the country [...] on malaria prevalence at national and regional levels. Spike-and-slab...
Acridine Orange for malaria diagnosis: its diagnostic performance, its promotion and implementation in Tanzania, and the implications for malaria... (Publications)
for the organization of health services and the provision of effective treatment of malaria cases. The national malaria control programme of Tanzania, together with the Japan International Co-operation Agency [...] One hundred years ago, Giemsa's stain was employed for the first time for malaria diagnosis. Giemsa staining continues to be the method of choice in most malarious countries, although, in the recent past [...] Acridine Orange (AO). The literature on the discovery, development and...
"My children and I will no longer suffer from malaria": a qualitative study of the acceptance and rejection of indoor residual spraying to prevent... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to identify attitudes and misconceptions related to acceptance or refusal of indoor residual spraying (IRS) in Tanzania for both the general population and
Reductions in malaria and anaemia case and death burden at hospitals following scale-up of malaria control in Zanzibar, 1999-2008 (Publications)
CONCLUSIONS: Scaling-up effective malaria interventions reduced malaria-related burden at health facilities by over 75% within 5 years. In high-malaria settings, intensified malaria control can substantially [...] groups combined, malaria deaths had fallen by an estimated 90% (95% confidence interval 55-98%)(p < 0.025), malaria in-patient cases by 78% (48-90%), and parasitologically-confirmed malaria out-patient cases [...] BACKGROUND: In Zanzibar, the Ministry of Health and partners...
Malaria control across borders: quasi-experimental evidence from the Trans-Kunene malaria initiative (TKMI) (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The transmission of malaria through population inflows from highly endemic areas with limited control efforts poses major challenges for national malaria control programmes. Several multilateral [...] l efforts. CONCLUSIONS: The impact of malaria programmes depends on programme efforts in surrounding areas with differential control efforts. Coordinated malaria programming within and across countries [...] the potential impact of such a programme at the Angolan-Namibian border....
Vector composition, abundance, biting patterns and malaria transmission intensity in Madang, Papua New Guinea: assessment after 7 years of an... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: A malaria control programme based on distribution of long-lasting insecticidal bed nets (LLINs) and artemisinin combination therapy began in Papua New Guinea in 2009. After implementation of [...] of the programme, substantial reductions in vector abundance and malaria transmission intensity occurred. The research reported here investigated whether these reductions remained after seven years of [...] Anopheles per screen-night and 2.2-31.1 Anopheles per person-night), and spatially...