Health workers' use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) to guide clinical decision making in rural dispensaries, Tanzania (Publications)
alternative to microscopy for malaria diagnosis. The RDTs detect malaria parasite antigen(s) in whole blood with high sensitivity and specificity. We assessed health worker malaria treatment practices after [...] received training on how to perform RDTs for patients 5 years of age or older with fever or suspected malaria. Children < 5 years of age were to be treated empirically per national guidelines. Among the 30,195 [...] 195 patients seen at these 12 health facilities, 10,737 (35.6%) were...
Quality assurance of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in routine patient care in rural Tanzania (Publications)
Histidine-rich protein II (HRP2)-based malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) have shown high sensitivity and specificity for detecting Plasmodium falciparum malaria in a variety of study settings. However [...] their use in field settings. We evaluated sensitivity and specificity of RDTs during routine use for malaria case management in peripheral health facilities. From December 2007 to October 2008, HRP2-based ParaHIT-f [...] thick blood smear. Job aids, Integrated Management of Childhood...
An experimental hut study to quantify the effect of DDT and airborne pyrethroids on entomological parameters of malaria transmission (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Current malaria vector control programmes rely on insecticides with rapid contact toxicity. However, spatial repellents can also be applied to reduce man-vector contact, which might ultimately [...] ultimately impact malaria transmission. The aim of this study was to quantify effects of airborne pyrethroids from coils and DDT used an indoor residual spray (IRS) on entomological parameters that influence [...] influence malaria transmission. METHODS: The effect of Transfluthrin and...
Effect of deworming on school-aged children's physical fitness, cognition and clinical parameters in a malaria-helminth co-endemic area of Côte... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria and helminth infections are thought to negatively affect children's nutritional status and to impair their physical and cognitive development. Yet, the current evidence-base is weak [...] helminthiasis and schistosomiasis on children's physical fitness, cognition and clinical parameters in a malaria-helminth co-endemic setting of Cote d'Ivoire. METHODS: We designed an intervention study with a 5-month [...] speculate that potential beneficial effects of deworming are likely...
A cluster-randomized controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of using 15% DEET topical repellent with long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs)... (Publications)
al nets (LLINs) have limited effect on malaria transmitted outside of sleeping hours. Topical repellents have demonstrated reduction in the incidence of malaria transmitted in the early evening. This study [...] likely a result of lack of statistical power, poor capture of malaria events or bias caused by imbalance in the SES of the two groups. Low malaria transmission during the study period could have masked the [...] study assessed whether 15% DEET topical repellent used in combination with...