Effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine during pregnancy on placental malaria, maternal anaemia and... (Publications)
areas with different malaria transmission intensities. METHODS: Prospective observational study recruiting pregnant women in two health facilities in areas with high and low malaria transmission intensities [...] risk factors for placental malaria (OR 2.4; CI 1.1-5.0; P = 0.025) and (OR 9.4; CI 3.2-27.7; P < 0.001), respectively. IPTp was associated with a lower risk of placental malaria (OR 0.3; CI 0.1-1.0; P = [...] the low transmission area to prevent one case of placental malaria....
Spectrum-malaria: a user-friendly projection tool for health impact assessment and strategic planning by malaria control programmes in sub-Saharan... (Publications)
Scale-up of malaria prevention and treatment needs to continue but national strategies and budget allocations are not always evidence-based. This article presents a new modelling tool projecting malaria infection [...] provinces, from the WHO and malaria atlas project. Impacts over 2016-2030 are projected for insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), indoor residual spraying (IRS), seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC), and effective [...] DISCUSSION: Spectrum-Malaria's user-friendly interface and...
The central role of national programme management for the achievement of malaria elimination: a cross case-study analysis of nine malaria programmes (Publications)
those implementing malaria elimination in the periphery was not well described. Political commitment and sustained financing contributed to malaria programme success. Consistency of malaria programmes depends [...] progress towards malaria goals. The eliminating malaria case-study series reports were reviewed to identify successful programme management components using a cross-case study analytic approach. METHODS: [...] RESULTS: Decentralized programmes enhanced engagement in malaria...
Correction to: Malaria control across borders: quasi-experimental evidence from the Trans-Kunene malaria initiative (TKMI) (Publications)
Following publication of the original article [1], the authors flagged an error in Addition file 6.
Estimation of malaria-attributable fever in malaria test-positive febrile outpatients in three provinces of Mozambique, 2018 (Publications)
estimate the proportion of malaria-attributable fevers in malaria test-positive febrile patients. Depending on the antigen, estimated rates of malaria-attributable fever in malaria test-positive febrile patients [...] Like most malaria-endemic countries, Mozambique relies on tabulation of confirmed malaria test-positive febrile patients to track incidence of malaria. However, this approach is potentially biased by [...] indicate that most malaria test-positive febrile patients in the three...
Implementation research of a cluster randomized trial evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria... (Publications)
since the malaria epidemiologic shift to school-aged children was noted. In the meantime, school-aged children (5-15 years) have become increasingly more vulnerable with asymptomatic malaria prevalence [...] to 70%, making them reservoirs for subsequent transmission of malaria in the endemic communities. Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in schoolchildren (IPTsc) has proven to be an effective tool [...] Tanzania so as to understand the operational feasibility and effectiveness of...