Malaria and the 'last' parasite: how can technology help? (Publications)
Malaria, together with HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis are the four most deadly infectious diseases globally. Progress in eliminating malaria has saved millions of lives, but also creates new challenges [...] accurate detection of malaria infections, both in symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals are needed. In this review, the current progress in developing new diagnostic tools to fight malaria is presented. An [...] An ideal rapid test for malaria elimination is envisioned with examples...
Immunization of malaria pre-exposed volunteers with PfSPZ Vaccine elicits long-lived IgM invasion-inhibitory and complement-fixing antibodies (Publications)
antibodies are induced following immunization of malaria pre-exposed volunteers with PfSPZ Vaccine. We found that in addition to anti-PfCSP IgG, Malaria pre-exposed volunteers developed anti-PfCSP IgM [...] and Pf sporozoite-binding IgM antibodies are induced following immunization of PfSPZ Vaccine in malaria pre-exposed individuals and that IgM antibodies can inhibit Pf sporozoite invasion into hepatocytes
Using yeast synthetic lethality to inform drug combination for malaria (Publications)
Combinatorial chemotherapy is necessary for the treatment of malaria. However, finding a suitable partner drug for a new candidate is challenging. Here we develop an algorithm that identifies all of the
The effect of case management and vector-control interventions on space-time patterns of malaria incidence in Uganda (Publications)
space-time patterns of malaria incidence in children < 5 are similar to those of parasitaemia risk predicted from the malaria indicator survey of 2014-15. CONCLUSION: The decline in malaria incidence highlights [...] METHODS: Bayesian spatio-temporal negative binomial models were fitted on district-aggregated monthly malaria cases, reported by two age groups, defined by a cut-off age of 5 years. The effects of interventions [...] trigonometric functions were incorporated in the models to take...
Impact of climate variability on the transmission risk of malaria in northern Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
climate patterns might affect the transmission of malaria. The purpose of this study was to analyze climate and environmental parameters associated with malaria transmission in Korhogo, a city in northern Cote [...] (95% CI: 0.1 to 6.7%) in clinical malaria episodes. A 0.1 unit increase in monthly NDVI was associated with a 7.3% (95% CI: 0.8 to 14.1%) increase in the monthly malaria count. There was a similar increase [...] 2.3% to 11.2%)). The study results can be used to establish a malaria...
Challenges of DHS and MIS to capture the entire pattern of malaria parasite risk and intervention effects in countries with different ecological... (Publications)
multiple indicator cluster survey. Malaria parasitological data were collected, but the survey period did not overlap with the high malaria transmission season. A malaria indicator survey (MIS) was also conducted [...] conducted during the same year, within the malaria peak transmission season. This study compares estimates of the geographical distribution of malaria parasite risk and of the effects of interventions [...] used to identify the most important climatic predictors and indicators of ...