Passive immunoprotection of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>-infected mice designates the CyRPA as candidate malaria vaccine antigen (Publications)
An effective malaria vaccine could prove to be the most cost-effective and efficacious means of preventing severe disease and death from malaria. In an endeavor to identify novel vaccine targets, we tested [...] represents an unprecedented in vivo model for quantitative comparison of the functional potencies of malaria-specific Abs. Our data suggest a role for CyRPA in erythrocyte invasion by the merozoite. Inhibition [...] merozoite invasion by CyRPA-specific mAbs in vitro and in vivo renders...
Developmental impairments following severe falciparum malaria in children (Publications)
complications of falciparum malaria, such as multiple, prolonged or focal seizures, is not known. Thus, our objective was to investigate the long-term developmental outcome of CM and malaria with complicated seizures [...] OBJECTIVE: Neurological deficits are reported in children after cerebral malaria (CM) but little is known about the prevalence and characteristics of persisting neurocognitive consequences. The prevalence [...] y increases the risk of cognitive and behavioural problems in...
Clinical and laboratory predictors of imported malaria in an outpatient setting: an aid to medical decision making in returning travelers with fever (Publications)
had the highest positive likelihood ratio for a diagnosis of malaria (13.6), followed by thrombopenia (11.0). Posttest probabilities for malaria were 85% with enlarged spleen and 82% with thrombopenia. A [...] information exists to guide clinicians for giving presumptive treatment to returning travelers when malaria is strongly suspected on clinical grounds but laboratory confirmation is not immediately available [...] laboratory predictors of Plasmodium parasitemia. A total of 336...