Epigenetic memory takes center stage in the survival strategy of malaria parasites (Publications)
Malaria parasites run through a complex life cycle in the vertebrate host and mosquito vector. This not only requires tightly controlled mechanisms to govern stage-specific gene expression but also ne [...] sexual conversion and discuss the relevance of this strategy for the survival and transmission of malaria parasites.
Global, regional, and national incidence and mortality for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global... (Publications)
living with malaria is larger than estimated by WHO. The number of people living with HIV, tuberculosis, or malaria have all decreased since 2000. At the global level, upward trends for malaria and HIV deaths [...] all parameters. We analysed malaria mortality and incidence using an updated cause of death database, a systematic analysis of verbal autopsy validation studies for malaria, and recent studies (2010-13) [...] 1.4 million) in 2004. Since 2004, child deaths from malaria in sub-Saharan...
Malaria vector control at crossroads: public health entomology and the drive to elimination (Publications)
control has been at the core of successful malaria control. However, a dearth of field-oriented vector biologists threatens to undermine global reductions in malaria burden. Skilled cadres are needed to manage [...] increasingly heterogeneous. Recognising this human resource crisis, in September 2013, WHO Global Malaria Programme issued guidance for capacity building in entomology and vector control, including reco [...] generation of public health entomologists that will enable programmes to...
Malaria mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites (Publications)
epidemiological differences in malaria mortality. RESULTS: Rates of malaria mortality varied by 1:10,000 across the sites, with generally low rates in Asia (one site recording no malaria deaths over 0.5 million [...] person-years). Childhood malaria mortality rates were strongly correlated with Malaria Atlas Project estimates of Plasmodium falciparum parasite rates for the same locations. Adult malaria mortality rates, while [...] BACKGROUND: Malaria continues to be a major cause of infectious...
Efficacy and safety of artemether-lumefantrine dispersible tablets compared with crushed commercial tablets in African infants and children with... (Publications)
of young children with uncomplicated malaria. METHODS: We did a randomised non-inferiority study on children weighing 5-35 kg with uncomplicated P falciparum malaria in Benin, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, and