Coverage, adherence and costs of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in children employing different delivery strategies in Jasikan, Ghana (Publications)
t preventive treatment of malaria in children (IPTc) involves the administration of a course of anti-malarial drugs at specified time intervals to children at risk of malaria regardless of whether or not [...] known to be infected. IPTc provides a high level of protection against uncomplicated and severe malaria, with monthly sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine (SP&AQ) and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine
Impact of artemisinin-based combination therapy and insecticide-treated nets on malaria burden in Zanzibar (Publications)
The Roll Back Malaria strategy recommends a combination of interventions for malaria control. Zanzibar implemented artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for uncomplicated malaria in late 2003 and [...] all malaria patients, while LLINs are distributed free to children under age 5 y ("under five") and pregnant women. We investigated temporal trends in Plasmodium falciparum prevalence and malaria-related [...] y) mortality decreased by 52%, 33%, and 71%, respectively. Similarly, malaria-rel...
Strategic roles for behaviour change communication in a changing malaria landscape (Publications)
quality strategic behaviour change communication (BCC) can improve malaria prevention and treatment behaviours. As progress is made towards malaria elimination, BCC becomes an even more important tool. BCC can [...] infections and their compliance with treatment, 3) to inform communities of the optimal timing of malaria control interventions, and 4) to explain changing diagnostic concerns (e.g. increasing false negatives [...] this commentary is to highlight the benefits and value for money that...
Forscher im Kampf gegen Malaria [TV Broadcast] (Publications)
Malaria gehört zu den drei schlimmsten Infektionskrankheiten der Welt, neben Tuberkulose und HIV. Basler Wissenschaftler haben eine ganz neue Substanz entdeckt, die den hartnäckigen Erreger töten kann
Country specific predictions of the cost-effectiveness of malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS01 in endemic Africa (Publications)
evaluated at country levels of malaria parasite prevalence, coverage of control interventions and immunization. Benefits and costs of the program incremental to routine malaria control were evaluated for a [...] potential to substantially reduce malaria burden in children across Africa. Conditional on assumptions on price, coverage, and vaccine properties, adding RTS,S to routine malaria control interventions would [...] If implemented in all 43 countries the vaccine has the potential to avert...
The use of remotely sensed environmental data in the study of malaria (Publications)
against malaria, a disease causing an estimated one million deaths each year. Approximately half the world's population is at risk and it is of prime importance to evaluate the burden of malaria at the [...] and burden of the disease are described followed by a discussion of special issues such as urban malaria, human population mapping and the detection of changes at the temporal scale. Risk maps at appropriate [...] presentation of ecological, meteorological and climatologic data which rule...