Mosquito feeding behavior and how it influences residual malaria transmission across Africa (Publications)
an estimated 10.6 million additional malaria cases annually if universal LLIN and IRS coverage was achieved. Higher outdoor biting diminishes the cases of malaria averted by vector control. This reduction [...] times contribute to residual transmission which determines the maximum effectiveness of current malaria prevention. The likelihood mosquitoes feed outside the time of day when LLINs and IRS can protect [...] estimate the public health impact of outdoor biting across Africa. On average 79%...
The economics of malaria control and elimination: a systematic review (Publications)
cost of malaria control to a health system ranged from $0.11 to $39.06 (median: $2.21) while that for malaria elimination ranged from $0.18 to $27 (median: $3.00). BCRs of investing in malaria control [...] competing health priorities threaten the sustainability of malaria programmes. Elucidating the cost and benefits of continued investments in malaria could encourage sustained political and financial commitments [...] financial cost and return of malaria control, elimination and eradication....
Haemoglobin changes and risk of anaemia following treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in sub-Saharan Africa (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Anaemia is common in malaria. It is important to quantitate the risk of anaemia and to distinguish factors related to the natural history of disease from potential drug toxicity. METHODS: [...] data analysis based on nine randomized controlled trials of treatments of uncomplicated falciparum malaria from 13 sub-Saharan African countries. Risk factors for reduced haemoglobin (Hb) concentrations and
Natural immune response to <em>Plasmodium vivax </em>alpha-helical coiled coil protein motifs and its association with the risk of <em>P. vivax</em>... (Publications)
selected coiled coil antigens might be good markers of both exposure and acquired immunity to P. vivax malaria, and further preclinical investigation should be performed to determine their potential as P. vivax
Controlled human malaria infection leads to long-lasting changes in innate and innate-like lymphocyte populations (Publications)
clinically silent. To overcome this limitation, we examined blood samples from a controlled human malaria infection (CHMI) study in a Tanzanian cohort, in which volunteers underwent CHMI with a low or high