Introducing insecticide-treated nets in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania: the relevance of local knowledge and practice for an information, education... (Publications)
practice relating to malaria. The findings show that the biomedical concept of malaria overlaps with several local illness concepts, one of which is called malaria and refers to mild malaria. Most respondents [...] linked malaria to mosquitoes (76%) and already used mosquito nets (52%). But local understandings of severe malaria differed from the biomedical concept and were not linked to mosquitoes or malaria. A social [...] Since 1997 the WHO has been recommending an integrative strategy to...
Profile: the rusinga health and demographic surveillance system, western Kenya (Publications)
2012 to facilitate a malaria intervention trial: the SolarMal project. The project aims to eliminate malaria from Rusinga Island using the nationwide adopted strategy for malaria control (insecticide-treated [...] surveillance is to measure the effectiveness of the trial on clinical malaria incidence, and to monitor demographic, environmental and malaria-related data variables. At the end of 2014, the 44 km2 island had [...] surveyed for clinical malaria. Following each round of surveillance, a...
Introducing insecticide-treated nets in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania: the relevance of local knowledge and practice for an information, education... (Publications)
practice relating to malaria. The findings show that the biomedical concept of malaria overlaps with several local illness concepts, one of which is called malaria and refers to mild malaria. Most respondents [...] linked malaria to mosquitoes (76%) and already used mosquito nets (52%). But local understandings of severe malaria differed from the biomedical concept and were not linked to mosquitoes or malaria. A social [...] Since 1997 the WHO has been recommending an integrative strategy to...
Profile: the rusinga health and demographic surveillance system, western Kenya (Publications)
2012 to facilitate a malaria intervention trial: the SolarMal project. The project aims to eliminate malaria from Rusinga Island using the nationwide adopted strategy for malaria control (insecticide-treated [...] surveillance is to measure the effectiveness of the trial on clinical malaria incidence, and to monitor demographic, environmental and malaria-related data variables. At the end of 2014, the 44 km2 island had [...] surveyed for clinical malaria. Following each round of surveillance, a...
From <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> outbreak to elimination: lessons learnt from a retrospective analysis of data from Guantang (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria was once a serious public health problem in China, with Plasmodium vivax the major species responsible for more than 90% of local transmission. Following significant integrated malaria control [...] control and elimination programmes, malaria burden declined, and since 2017 China has not recorded any indigenous case. To understand the historical malaria transmission patterns and epidemic characteristics [...] regarding Anopheles sinensis. RESULTS: Following 25 years of...
From <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> outbreak to elimination: lessons learnt from a retrospective analysis of data from Guantang (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria was once a serious public health problem in China, with Plasmodium vivax the major species responsible for more than 90% of local transmission. Following significant integrated malaria control [...] control and elimination programmes, malaria burden declined, and since 2017 China has not recorded any indigenous case. To understand the historical malaria transmission patterns and epidemic characteristics [...] regarding Anopheles sinensis. RESULTS: Following 25 years of...
Emilie Pothin (People)
of malaria, her research integrates mathematical and statistical methods to simulate transmission dynamics, estimate impact of malaria interventions, and leverage these insights to enhance malaria control [...] support national malaria programs by simulating the impact of interventions at the sub-national level and generating evidence for strategic planning of both established and novel malaria control strategies [...] model users including policy-makers. Since 2017, Dr Emilie Pothin has been...
Spatial patterns of <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> transmission explored by multivariate auto-regressive state-space modelling - a case study in Baoshan... (Publications)
The transition from the control phase to elimination of malaria in China through the national malaria elimination programme has focussed attention on the need for improvement of the surveillance- response [...] (IDIRMS). The best MARSS model indicated that malaria transmission in the study area during 36 months could be grouped into three clusters. The estimation of malaria transmission patterns showed a downward trend [...] cluster cases have occurred. This study aims to explore the spatial...
Impact de l'urbanisation sur l'indice plasmodique et les densités parasitaires chez les enfants de 0 à 5 ans dans la commune de Yopougon, Abidjan... (Publications)
microscope after staining. The malaria infection rate was 21.8%, indicating mesoendemic malaria. Its distribution varied significantly between the three urbanization levels. Malaria parasite densities also varied [...] to determine the impact of urbanization on the malaria infection (parasite) rate and parasite density, and their consequences on the heterogeneity of malaria transmission in urban Abidjan. Specifically we [...] tly between them. These results confirm the involvement of...
Impact de l'urbanisation sur l'indice plasmodique et les densités parasitaires chez les enfants de 0 à 5 ans dans la commune de Yopougon, Abidjan... (Publications)
microscope after staining. The malaria infection rate was 21.8%, indicating mesoendemic malaria. Its distribution varied significantly between the three urbanization levels. Malaria parasite densities also varied [...] to determine the impact of urbanization on the malaria infection (parasite) rate and parasite density, and their consequences on the heterogeneity of malaria transmission in urban Abidjan. Specifically we [...] tly between them. These results confirm the involvement of...