Use and misuse of a discount voucher scheme as a subsidy for insecticide-treated nets for malaria control in southern Tanzania (Publications)
Since 1997, discount vouchers for insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) have been used in two rural districts of southern Tanzania as a way to target subsidies to children under 5 years and pregnant women.
A phase 3 trial of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in African infants (Publications)
Background The candidate malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS01 reduced episodes of both clinical and severe malaria in children 5 to 17 months of age by approximately 50% in an ongoing phase 3 trial. We studied infants [...] only episode of clinical malaria during the 12 months after vaccination, a coprimary end point, was analyzed with the use of Cox regression. Vaccine efficacy against all malaria episodes, vaccine efficacy [...] efficacy against severe malaria, safety, and immunogenicity were also...
Is fever a good sign for clinical malaria in surveys of endemic communities? (Publications)
ic sign of clinical malaria, many Plasmodium falciparum malaria cases in endemic areas do not present with measurable temperature elevations. In a field study in Tanzania, malaria morbidity was defined [...] reported illness associated with malaria parasite densities higher than those in healthy individuals. Without diagnosis of individual episodes, prevalences of malaria-attributable morbidity of 9.8% in [...] 5-9 years of age were estimated. No illness was considered to be due to malaria in...