A <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> PHIST protein binds the virulence factor PfEMP1 and comigrates to knobs on the host cell surface (Publications)
Uniquely among malaria parasites, Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes (iRBCs) develop membrane protrusions, known as knobs, where the parasite adhesion receptor P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane [...] formation and the associated iRBC adherence to host endothelium are directly linked to the severity of malaria and are functional manifestations of protein export from the parasite to the iRBC. A family of exported
A worldwide map of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> K13-propeller polymorphisms (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Recent gains in reducing the global burden of malaria are threatened by the emergence of Plasmodium falciparum resistance to artemisinins. The discovery that mutations in portions of a P. [...] analyzed the K13-propeller sequence polymorphism in 14,037 samples collected in 59 countries in which malaria is endemic. Most of the samples (84.5%) were obtained from patients who were treated at sentinel
Two successful decades of Swiss collaborations to develop new anti-malarials (Publications)
Over the last two decades there has been a renaissance in the pipeline of new drugs targeting malaria, with the launch of new products that help save the lives of children throughout the world. In addition [...] Third, the emergence of product-development-partnerships, in this case led by the Medicines for Malaria Venture, based in Geneva, has helped to catalyze the development of new medicines and bring the community
Improving methods for analysing anti-malarial drug efficacy trials: molecular correction based on length-polymorphic markers <em>msp</em>-1,... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Drug efficacy trials monitor the continued efficacy of front-line drugs against falciparum malaria. Over-estimates of efficacy result in a country retaining a failing drug as first-line treatment [...] modelling to simulate parasite dynamics and genetic signals that occur in patients enrolled in malaria drug clinical trials. We compared estimates of treatment failure obtained from a selection of proposed
In vitro antiplasmodial activity and toxicity assessment of some plants from Nigerian ethnomedicine (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum-resistant parasites to nearly all available antimalarial drugs pose a threat to malaria control and necessitates the need to continue the search for new effective and affordable drugs. [...] displayed antiplasmodial activity (IC(50) 2.3-16.9 microg/mL) with good selectivity (21-120) for malaria parasites. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The antiplasmodial activity of Terminalia catappa and Vitex
qRT-PCR versus IFA-based quantification of male and female gametocytes in low-density <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections and their relevance... (Publications)
Accurate quantification of female and male gametocytes and sex ratios in asymptomatic low-density malaria infections are important for assessing their transmission potential. Gametocytes often escape detection [...] negligible for human-to-mosquito transmission.Estimating the transmission potential of ultralow-density malaria infections informs interventions. Almost all infections with > /=1 female and male gametocyte per
Antiprotozoal effect of <em>Artemisia indica</em> extracts and essential oil (Publications)
All solvent extracts and the volatile oil showed in vitro antimalarial activity, plus a potential malaria prophylactic effect by inhibiting at least two recombinant plasmodial fatty acid biosynthesis (PfFAS-II) [...] detailed study investigating both artemisinin and polymethoxyflavonoid content as well as in vitro malaria prophylactic and detailed antiprotozoal potential of A. indica extracts against a panel of protozoan
Evaluation of Olyset trade mark insecticide-treated nets distributed seven years previously in Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Insecticide-treated nets represent currently a key malaria control strategy, but low insecticide re-treatment rates remain problematic. Olyset trade mark nets are currently one of two long-lasting [...] polyester nets. Hence, Olyset trade mark nets are one of the best choices for ITN programmes in rural malaria-endemic areas
Evaluation of Olyset trade mark insecticide-treated nets distributed seven years previously in Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Insecticide-treated nets represent currently a key malaria control strategy, but low insecticide re-treatment rates remain problematic. Olyset trade mark nets are currently one of two long-lasting [...] polyester nets. Hence, Olyset trade mark nets are one of the best choices for ITN programmes in rural malaria-endemic areas
Antiprotozoal effect of <em>Artemisia indica</em> extracts and essential oil (Publications)
All solvent extracts and the volatile oil showed in vitro antimalarial activity, plus a potential malaria prophylactic effect by inhibiting at least two recombinant plasmodial fatty acid biosynthesis (PfFAS-II) [...] detailed study investigating both artemisinin and polymethoxyflavonoid content as well as in vitro malaria prophylactic and detailed antiprotozoal potential of A. indica extracts against a panel of protozoan