Ownership and usage of mosquito nets after four years of large-scale free distribution in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Guinea (PNG) is a highly malaria endemic country in the South-West Pacific with a population of approximately 6.6 million (2009). In 2004, the country intensified its malaria control activities with support
Design of trials for interrupting the transmission of endemic pathogens (Publications)
of the SolarMal trial on the use of odor-baited mosquito traps to eliminate Plasmodium falciparum malaria. These were used to compare variants in the proposed SWCRT designs for the SolarMal trial. RESULTS: [...] assessed in the simulated trials. Inspired by analyses of trials of insecticide-treated nets against malaria when applied to the geography of the SolarMal trial, these measures were found to be robust to different
Mass distribution of free insecticide-treated nets do not interfere with continuous net distribution in Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: To protect the most vulnerable groups from malaria (pregnant women and infants) the Tanzanian Government introduced a subsidy (voucher) scheme in 2004, on the basis of a public-private partnership [...] for the continuation of this effort in Tanzania and for emulation by other countries with endemic malaria
Ownership and usage of mosquito nets after four years of large-scale free distribution in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Guinea (PNG) is a highly malaria endemic country in the South-West Pacific with a population of approximately 6.6 million (2009). In 2004, the country intensified its malaria control activities with support
<em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>infection and clinical indicators in relation to net coverage in central Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Sleeping under a net, particularly a long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN), is associated with reduced malaria morbidity and mortality, but requires high coverage and adherence. In this study, parasitologically [...] and associations with net coverage explored. In Bozi and Yoho, LLINs were provided by the national malaria control programme, prior to the study and an additional catch-up coverage was carried out in Bozi
Sequence and diversity of T-cell receptor beta-chain V and J genes of the owl monkey <em>Aotus nancymaae</em> (Publications)
to infection with the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and has therefore been recommended by the World Health Organization as a model for the evaluation of malaria vaccine candidates. Recently
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of oral artemether for the prevention of patent <em>Schistosoma haematobium </em>infections (Publications)
microhematuria and macrohematuria were assessed 3 weeks after the final dosing. We also monitored malaria parasitemia and treated positive cases with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP). Oral artemether was well [...] 0.001). Heavy S. haematobium infections, microhematuria and macrohematuria, and the incidence of malaria parasitemia were all significantly lower in artemether recipients. In conclusion, previous findings
Identification of oleamide in <em>Guatteria</em> recurvisepala by LC/MS-Based <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> thioredoxin reductase ligand binding... (Publications)
current research on applications of mass spectrometry to natural product drug discovery against malaria aims to screen plant extracts for new ligands to PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM thioredoxin reductase ( PFTrxR) [...] regulation of the parasite and is validated as a promising target for therapeutic intervention against malaria. In the present study, detannified methanol extracts from GUATTERIA RECURVISEPALA, LICANIA KALLUNKIAE
A 10 year study of the cause of death in children under 15 years in Manhica, Mozambique (Publications)
diseases accounted for 9.5% of the defined causes of death, and injuries for 3.9% of causes of deaths. Malaria was the single largest cause, accounting for 21.8% of cases. Pneumonia with 9.8% was the second leading [...] area. The pattern of childhood mortality in Manhica area is typical of developing countries where malaria, pneumonia and HIV/AIDS are important causes of death
Mapping of research on maternal health interventions in low- and middle-income countries: a review of 2292 publications between 2000 and 2012 (Publications)
systems strengthening, health promotion; and on five tracer conditions (haemorrhage, hypertension, malaria, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs)). Following review of 35,078 titles and abstracts [...] More than half the studies were done in sub-Saharan Africa (55.4 %), mostly addressing HIV and malaria. This region had low numbers of publications per hypertension and haemorrhage deaths, though South