Modified mosquito landing boxes dispensing transfluthrin provide effective protection against <em>Anopheles arabiensis</em> mosquitoes under simulated... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Efforts to control malaria vectors have primarily focused on scaling-up of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying. Although highly efficient against indoor-biting [...] outdoor-biting mosquitoes in the peri-domestic space. They have a potential role in combatting outdoor malaria transmission without interfering with effective indoor interventions such as LLINs
The challenge to avoid anti-malarial medicine stock-outs in an area of funding partners: the case of Tanzania (Publications)
introduction of a health facility ACT stock monitoring system using SMS technology by the National Malaria Control Programme in mid 2011 revealed a high frequency of stock-outs of ACT in primary care public [...] both within the country and from the main donor, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Tanzania should invest in strengthening both the supply system and the health information system
Multilocus haplotypes reveal variable levels of diversity and population structure of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> in Papua New Guinea, a region of... (Publications)
falciparum on the coast and in the low-lying inland areas. Local heterogeneity in the epidemiology of malaria suggests that parasites from multiple locations will need to be surveyed to define the population [...] variable genetic diversity and population structure of P. falciparum has important implications for malaria control strategies and warrants further fine scale sampling throughout Papua New Guinea
Larval and adult environmental temperatures influence the adult reproductive traits of <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> s.s. (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Anopheles mosquito life-history parameters and population dynamics strongly influence malaria transmission, and environmental factors, particularly temperature, strongly affect these parameters [...] are necessary to parameterise more reliably models predicting how global warming may influence malaria transmission
Sub-lethal exposure to chlorfenapyr reduces the probability of developing <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> parasites in surviving Anopheles mosquitoes (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Pyrethroid resistance in the key malaria vectors threatens the success of pyrethroid-treated nets. To overcome pyrethroid resistance, Interceptor(®) G2 (IG2), a 'first-in-class' dual insecticidal [...] the intensity of the P. falciparum infection. This will likely also contribute to the reduction of malaria in communities beyond the direct killing of mosquitoes.
Multi-country evaluation of the durability of pyrethroid plus piperonyl-butoxide insecticide-treated nets: study protocol (Publications)
distributions of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) have contributed to large reductions in the malaria burden. However, this success is in jeopardy due in part to the increasing pyrethroid-resistant mosquito [...] containing pyrethroid and piperonyl-butoxide (PBO) have shown a greater reduction in the incidence of malaria than pyrethroid LLINs in areas with pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes. However, the durability (attrition
Co-infection of the four major <em>Plasmodium </em>species: effects on densities and gametocyte carriage (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Co-infection of the four major species of human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Pf), P. vivax (Pv), P. malariae (Pm), and P. ovale sp. (Po) is regularly observed, but there is limited [...] (95% CI: 0.95, 1.79) for gametocytes. This excess co-infection risk was partially attributable to malaria infections clustering in some villages. Pf-Pv-Pm triple infections were four times more frequent
Peri-domestic vector control interventions using attractive targeted sugar baits and push-pull strategies (Publications)
Great challenges to sustained malaria and arbovirus control remain, including transmission by vectors that occur outdoors or outside of sleeping hours, the enormous scale of larval breeding in urban centres [...] finding could potentially be due to the size of these studies, because community-level protection from malaria using removal trapping has been demonstrated.
Adherence to standard treatment guidelines among prescribers in primary healthcare facilities in the Dodoma region of Tanzania (Publications)
in 2872 cases. The nine most prevalent conditions were upper respiratory tract infections (25%), malaria (18%), diarrhoea (9.9%), pneumonia (6.1%), skin problems (5.8%), gastrointestinal diagnoses (5%) [...] of cases that did not adhere to STG was highest with patients with skin problems and lowest for malaria. Conclusion: Prescribers' general adherence to national STG in primary HCF in the public sector in
Larval and adult environmental temperatures influence the adult reproductive traits of <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> s.s. (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Anopheles mosquito life-history parameters and population dynamics strongly influence malaria transmission, and environmental factors, particularly temperature, strongly affect these parameters [...] are necessary to parameterise more reliably models predicting how global warming may influence malaria transmission