Management of severe malaria cases learnings and challenges from the field (Publications)
A presentation on the management of severe malaria cases learnings and challenges from the field by Manuel Hetzel of the CARAMAL project.
Evaluating putative repellent 'push' and attractive 'pull' components for manipulating the odour orientation of host-seeking malaria vectors in the... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Novel malaria vector control approaches aim to combine tools for maximum protection. This study aimed to evaluate novel and re-evaluate existing putative repellent 'push' and attractive 'pull' [...] 'pull' components for manipulating the odour orientation of malaria vectors in the peri-domestic space. METHODS: Anopheles arabiensis outdoor human landing catches and trap comparisons were implemented in [...] components led to a better understanding of their ability to affect...
Christian Lengeler: Malaria breitet sich wieder aus [Radio Broadcast] (Publications)
Das Ziel der Weltgesundheitsorganisation: Malaria bis 2050 auszurotten. Noch immer sterben rund eine halbe Million Menschen jährlich an Malaria, die Zahl der Toten sinkt seit einigen Jahren nicht mehr
Human behavior, livelihood, and malaria transmission in two sites of Papua New Guinea (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria transmission is currently resurging in Papua New Guinea (PNG). In addition to intervention coverage, social and cultural factors influence changes in epidemiology of malaria in PNG. This [...] in relation to current malaria control efforts. METHODS: A mixed-method design was used in 2 sites in PNG. In-depth interviews, focus group discussions, cross-sectional malaria indicator survey, and population [...] d in adult men. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight the potential of...
Real-time dispersal of malaria vectors in rural Africa monitored with lidar (Publications)
observation of mosquito behavior with high spatio-temporal resolution limits progress towards improved malaria vector control. We deployed a high-resolution entomological lidar to monitor a half-kilometer static [...] this study demonstrate how lidar-based monitoring could dramatically improve our understanding of malaria vector ecology and control options.
Investigation of heterochromatin protein 1 function in the malaria parasite <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> using a conditional domain deletion and... (Publications)
offers a tool for further studies on epigenetic regulation and life cycle decision in malaria parasites.IMPORTANCE Malaria is caused by unicellular Plasmodium species parasites that repeatedly invade and replicate [...] The human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum encodes a single ortholog of heterochromatin protein 1 (PfHP1) that plays a crucial role in the epigenetic regulation of various survival-related processes [...] domain and CSD of HP1 are functionally conserved between P....
Fine-scale distribution of malaria mosquitoes biting or resting outside human dwellings in three low-altitude Tanzanian villages (Publications)
investigated the distribution of malaria mosquitoes biting or resting outside dwellings in three low-altitude villages in south-eastern Tanzania. The likelihood of malaria infections outdoors was also assessed [...] proportion of non-human blood-meals and absence of malaria-infected mosquitoes after 12 months of nightly trapping suggests very low-levels of outdoor malaria transmission in these villages. [...] BACKGROUND: While malaria transmission in Africa still happens primarily inside houses,...
Sub-lethal aquatic doses of pyriproxyfen may increase pyrethroid resistance in malaria mosquitoes (Publications)
and Anopheles species. We examined whether PPF added to larval habitats of pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors can modulate levels of resistance among emergent adult mosquitoes. METHODOLOGY: Third-instar
Priority setting in HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria - new cost-effectiveness results from WHO-CHOICE (Publications)
cost-effectiveness of the selected interventions. Impact modelling was performed using the OpenMalaria platform for malaria and using the Goals and TIME (TB Impact Model and Estimates) models in Spectrum for HIV [...] interventions for HIV, TB and malaria were cost-effective, with cost-effectiveness ratios less than I$ 100/HLY saved for virtually all interventions included. HIV, TB and malaria prevention and treatment [...] the 21st century (2000-2010) with respect to allocative efficiency in...