Spatio-temporal modelling of routine health facility data for malaria risk micro-stratification in mainland Tanzania (Publications)
probability of malaria TPR exceeding programmatic threshold was estimated. Results showed a marked spatial heterogeneity in malaria TPR across wards. 17.7 million people resided in areas where malaria TPR was [...] As malaria transmission declines, the need to monitor the heterogeneity of malaria risk at finer scales becomes critical to guide community-based targeted interventions. Although routine health facility [...] million people lived in areas where malaria TPR was very low ( < 5%; 90%...
Testing and treatment for malaria elimination: a systematic review (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Global interest in malaria elimination has prompted research on active test and treat (TaT) strategies. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to assess the effectiveness [...] effectiveness of TaT strategies to reduce malaria transmission. RESULTS: A total of 72 empirical research and 24 modelling studies were identified, mainly focused on proactive mass TaT (MTaT) and reactive case [...] respectively. Ten intervention studies compared MTaT to no MTaT and the...
Risk of imported malaria infections in Zanzibar: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
and the risk of malaria infection, may help to control malaria importation to Zanzibar. METHODS: A rolling cross-sectional survey linked to routine reactive case detection of malaria was carried out in [...] and October 2018. Households of patients diagnosed with malaria at health facilities were surveyed and household members were tested for malaria using rapid diagnostic tests and a sub-sample by quantitative [...] trips within and outside of Zanzibar. We estimated the association of malaria...
Variability in white blood cell count during uncomplicated malaria and implications for parasite density estimation: a WorldWide Antimalarial... (Publications)
count during acute uncomplicated malaria, and estimate the impact of using an assumed value of WBC on estimates of parasite density and clearance. METHODS: Uncomplicated malaria drug efficacy studies that measured [...] and vivax (n = 2678) malaria, respectively. At presentation, higher WBC counts were seen among patients with higher parasitaemia, severe anaemia and, for individuals with vivax malaria, in regions with shorter [...] reference. RESULTS: Eighty-four studies enrolling 27,656...
Malaria elimination in Zanzibar: where next? (Publications)
progress made towards malaria elimination, effectiveness of the health systems in delivering malaria case management; and malaria financing. A desk review examined available malaria data, annual work plans [...] 2018, Zanzibar developed a national malaria strategic plan IV (2018-2023) to guide elimination of malaria by 2023. We assessed progress in the implementation of malaria activities as part of the end-term [...] with marked heterogeneity between areas. However, about 68% of the detected ma...
Hearing of malaria mosquitoes is modulated by a beta-adrenergic-like octopamine receptor which serves as insecticide target (Publications)
Malaria mosquitoes acoustically detect their mating partners within large swarms that form transiently at dusk. Indeed, male malaria mosquitoes preferably respond to female flight tones during swarm time
The malaria blood stage antigen <em>Pf</em>CyRPA formulated with the TLR-4 agonist adjuvant GLA-SE elicits parasite growth inhibitory antibodies in... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Plasmodium falciparum cysteine-rich protective antigen (PfCyRPA) is an invasion complex protein essential for erythrocyte invasion. In contrast to several previously clinically tested mero
Malaria rapid diagnostic tests reliably detect asymptomatic <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections in school-aged children that are infectious to... (Publications)
this study, malaria rapid diagnostic tests (mRDT), light microscopy (LM) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were used to evaluate their performance detecting asymptomatic malaria infections [...] BACKGROUND: Asymptomatic malaria infections (Plasmodium falciparum) are common in school-aged children and represent a disease transmission reservoir as they are potentially infectious to mosquitoes. To [...] was 31.7% by qPCR, 18.2% by mRDT and 9.4% by LM. Approximately one-third (31.2%)...