Predicting the cost of malaria elimination in the Asia-Pacific (Publications)
decade, the countries of the Asia-Pacific region have made significant progress towards the goal of malaria elimination by the year 2030. It is widely accepted that for the region to meet this goal, an in [...] funding is required. However, robust estimates are needed for the optimal coverage and components of malaria elimination packages and the resources required to implement them. In this collection, a multispecies
RTS,S malaria vaccine pilot studies: addressing the human realities in large-scale clinical trials (Publications)
A malaria vaccine as part of the integrated malaria control and elimination efforts will have a major impact on public health in sub-Sahara Africa. The first malaria vaccine, RTS,S, now enters pilot i [...] the malaria vaccine clinical trial experiences, key ethical practices for effective clinical trial research in low-resource settings are described. For successful vaccine integration into malaria intervention
Linking human behaviours and malaria vector biting risk in south-eastern Tanzania (Publications)
To accelerate malaria elimination in areas where core interventions such as insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) are already widely used, it is crucial to consider additional factors associated with persistent [...] persistent transmission. Qualitative data on human behaviours and perceptions regarding malaria risk was triangulated with quantitative data on Anopheles mosquito bites occurring indoors and outdoors in sou [...] south-eastern Tanzania communities where ITNS are already used but lower...
Mosquito feeding behavior and how it influences residual malaria transmission across Africa (Publications)
an estimated 10.6 million additional malaria cases annually if universal LLIN and IRS coverage was achieved. Higher outdoor biting diminishes the cases of malaria averted by vector control. This reduction [...] times contribute to residual transmission which determines the maximum effectiveness of current malaria prevention. The likelihood mosquitoes feed outside the time of day when LLINs and IRS can protect [...] estimate the public health impact of outdoor biting across Africa. On average 79%...
Human behaviour and residual malaria transmission in Zanzibar: findings from in-depth interviews and direct observation of community events (Publications)
risk of malaria infection during these times. Travel and migration emerged as a crucial issue and participants viewed seasonal workers coming from mainland Tanzania as more likely to have a malaria infection [...] CONCLUSIONS: Targeting malaria interventions effectively is critical and should be informed by a clear understanding of relevant human behaviour. These findings highlight malaria prevention gaps in Zanzibar [...] final phases of malaria elimination. Development and deployment of...