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Studierende Eltern - eine Chance für egalitäre Arbeitsteilung? (Publications)
Familiengründung und Kinderlosigkeit bei Männern: Bedingungen von Vaterschaft heute im Spannungsfeld zwischen alten und neuen Männlichkeitsnormen:... (Publications)
Phase IV studies (Publications)
A cross-over study to evaluate the diversion of malaria vectors in a community with incomplete coverage of spatial repellents in the Kilombero Valley,... (Publications)
Antibiotic treatments of a methicillin-resistant <em>Staphylococcus pseudintermedius</em> infection in a dog: a case presentation (Publications)
Development of a bead-based Luminex assay using lipopolysacharide specific monoclonal antibodies for the detection of bio threat Brucella species (Publications)
Essentials of good practice: the making of a cultural psychiatrist in urban India (Publications)
Pregnancy in adolescence in the Great Lakes region: findings from a multi-country survey in South Kivu (DRC), Burundi and Rwanda (Publications)
"Irgendwas muss leiden..." Zeit und Zeitplanung studierender Eltern (Publications)
Quality improvement of antenatal and intrapartum care services in southern Tanzania: the health care workers' perspective (Publications)