Recherche de *.
Decision analytic models, sensitivity analysis and value of information in economic evaluations in health care (Publications)
Air pollution and lung function in dutch children: a comparison of exposure estimates and associations based on land use regression and dispersion... (Publications)
Diversity of <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </em>and drug resistance in different provinces of Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Genetic diversity and immune evasion of bacterial pathogens (Publications)
Gender, sexuality and vulnerability to HIV infection among the Borana pastoral community of southern Ethiopia (Publications)
Malaria control dynamics in rural Tanzania: evaluation of implementation of artemisinin based anti-malarial combination therapy (Publications)
Elucidation of the activity, pharmacokinetics, and toxicity profiles of fasciocidal drug candidates 1,2,4-trioxolane OZ78 and 1,2,4,5-tetraoxane MT04 (Publications)
Zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie und zur Entwicklung der Giftdrüsen beim Skorpion <em>Isometrus maculatus</em> (De Geer, 1778) (Scorpiones: Buthidae) (Publications)
Strategic traditions: changing livelihoods, access to food and child malnutrition in the Zambian Kafue Flats (Publications)
Development of new molecular genetic tools to study <em>Mycobacterium ulcerans</em> infection (Buruli ulcer) (Publications)