The complexity of scaling up an mHealth intervention: the case of SMS for Life in Tanzania from a health systems integration perspective (Publications)
BACKGROUND: SMS for Life was one of the earliest large-scale implementations of mHealth innovations worldwide. Its goal was to increase visibility to antimalarial stock-outs through the use of SMS tec
Search for the active ingredients from a 2-aminothiazole DMSO stock solution with antimalarial activity (Publications)
Chemical decomposition of DMSO stock solutions is a common incident that can mislead biological screening campaigns. Here, we share our case study of 2-aminothiazole 1, originating from an antimalaria
Preclinical and clinical characteristics of the trichuricidal drug oxantel pamoate and clinical development plans: a review (Publications)
Soil-transmitted helminths (Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm and Trichuris trichiura) infect about one-fifth of the world's population. The currently available drugs are all highly efficacious against A
The "double burden of malnutrition" in the Amazon: dietary change and drastic increases in obesity and anemia over 40 years among the Awajun (Publications)
Undernutrition and overnutrition are interconnected. Yet few studies have examined the "double burden of malnutrition" (DBM) over time in indigenous communities. We investigated changes in the food sy
A systematic literature review of schistosomiasis in urban and peri-urban settings (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by trematode worms of the genus Schistosoma and belongs to the neglected tropical diseases. The disease has been reported in 78 countries, wit
Abundance of <em>Opisthorchis felineus </em>metacercariae in cyprinid fish in the middle Ob river basin (Tomsk region, Russia) (Publications)
Infection with the liver fluke, Opisthorchis felineus, caused by the consumption of infected raw or undercooked cyprinid fish is common in humans and carnivores in the middle Ob River basin (Tomsk reg