SOS2 and ACP1 loci identified through large-scale exome chip analysis regulate kidney development and function (Publications)
Genome-wide association studies have identified > 50 common variants associated with kidney function, but these variants do not fully explain the variation in eGFR. We performed a two-stage meta-analy
Determinants of change in airway reactivity over 11 years in a population study (SAPALDIA) (Publications)
We investigated determinants of change in bronchial reactivity in SAPALDIA, a population-based cohort with wide age range (29-72 years at follow-up). The role of sex, age, atopic status, smoking and B
<em>SERPINA1</em> PiZ and PiS heterozygotes and lung function decline in the SAPALDIA cohort (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Severe alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is a strong risk factor for COPD. But the impact of gene variants resulting in mild or intermediate AAT deficiency on the longitudinal course of
Improvements in PM10 exposure and reduced rates of respiratory symptoms in a cohort of Swiss adults (SAPALDIA) (Publications)
RATIONALE: Reductions in mortality following improvements in air quality were documented by several studies, and our group found, in an earlier analysis, that decreasing particulate levels attenuate l
Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and diabetes in adult never-smokers (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Active smoking has been linked to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) but only few recent studies have shown environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) to be associated with DM in never-smokers. We ass
Is age at menopause increasing across Europe? Results on age at menopause and determinants from two population-based studies (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the variability and determinants of menopause age in two European cohort studies, the European Respiratory Health Survey and the Swiss Air Pollution and Lung Disease in Adult
Accelerated decline in lung function in smoking women with airway obstruction: SAPALDIA 2 cohort study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The aim was to determine if effects from smoking on lung function measured over 11 years differ between men and women. METHODS: In a prospective population based cohort study (Swiss Study
Hypertension, diabetes and lifestyle in the long-term - results from a Swiss population-based cohort (Publications)
Healthy lifestyles are integral in preventing and treating common cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The aim of this study was to observe smoking habits, alcohol intake, physical activity and body
Relative validation of a food frequency questionnaire to estimate food intake in an adult population (Publications)
Background: Scientifically valid descriptions of dietary intake at population level are crucial for investigating diet effects on health and disease. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) are the most
High blood pressure: prevalence and adherence to guidelines in a population-based cohort (Publications)
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: High blood pressure, the single leading health risk factor worldwide, contributes greatly to morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to add to the understanding of diagnosed a