Mosquito nets and the poor: can social marketing redress inequities in access? (Publications)
Treated mosquito nets are a practical malaria control tool. However, implementation of efficient delivery mechanisms remains a challenge. We investigated whether social marketing of treated mosquito n
Immunization of cattle with Ra86 impedes <em>Rhipicephalus appendiculatus</em> nymphal-to-adult molting (Publications)
Commercial vaccines based on the tick gut protein Bm86 have been successful in controlling the one-host tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus and provide heterologous protection against certain oth
Quantifying the evolution and impact of antimalarial drug resistance: drug use, spread of resistance, and drug failure over a 12-year period in Papua... (Publications)
BACKGROUND. Antimalarial use is a key factor driving drug resistance and reduced treatment effectiveness in Plasmodium falciparum malaria, but there are few formal, quantitative analyses of this proce
Limited polymorphism in <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> sexual-stage antigens (Publications)
In areas highly endemic for malaria, individuals are frequently found to be infected simultaneously with multiple Plasmodium falciparum clones. This raises the question of whether all parasite clones
BMI group-related differences in physical fitness and physical activity in preschool-age children: a cross-sectional analysis (Publications)
In the Ballabeina study, we investigated age- and BMI-group-related differences in aerobic fitness (20 m shuttle run), agility (obstacle course), dynamic (balance beam) and static balance (balance pla
Effect of a single dry season anthelmintic treatment of N'Dama cattle on communal pastures in the Gambia (Publications)
The effect of a single anthelmintic treatment of cattle during the early dry season was studied. One hundred and sixty-six N'Dama cattle, 1-3 years old, were selected from five herds. There were 65 ma