Comparison of land-use regression modeling with dispersion and chemistry transport modeling to assign air pollution concentrations within the Ruhr... (Publications)
Two commonly used models to assess air pollution concentration for investigating health effects of air pollution in epidemiological studies are Land Use Regression (LUR) models and Dispersion and Chem
Back-extrapolated and year-specific NO land use regression models for Great Britain - Do they yield different exposure assessment? (Publications)
Robust methods to estimate historic population air pollution exposures are important tools for epidemiological studies evaluating long-term health effects. We developed land use regression (LUR) model
Effects of breastfeeding on respiratory symptoms in infancy (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of potential risk factors on the development of respiratory symptoms and their specific modification by breastfeeding in infants in the first year of life. STUDY DESIGN
Antitrypanosomal activity of 5-nitro-2-aminothiazole-based compounds (Publications)
A small series of 5-nitro-2-aminothiazole-based amides containing arylpiperazine-, biphenyl- or aryloxyphenyl groups in their core were synthesized and evaluated as antitrypanosomatid agents. All test
Apolipoprotein L1 variant associated with increased susceptibility to trypanosome infection (Publications)
African trypanosomes, exceptTrypanosoma brucei gambienseandTrypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, which cause human African trypanosomiasis, are lysed by the human serum protein apolipoprotein L1 (ApoL1). Th
Evaluating decontamination protocols for the isolation of <em>Mycobacterium ulcerans</em> from swabs (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium ulcerans (M. ulcerans) is the causative agent of Buruli Ulcer (BU) disease. In order to inhibit the growth of the microbial contaminants during culture of M. ulcerans, it is
The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts (Publications)
Biodiversity continues to decline in the face of increasing anthropogenic pressures such as habitat destruction, exploitation, pollution and introduction of alien species. Existing global databases of
Arginine and lysine transporters are essential for <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> (Publications)
For Trypanosoma brucei arginine and lysine are essential amino acids and therefore have to be imported from the host. Heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants identified cationic am