Epidemiology of brucellosis, Q fever and Rift Valley fever at the human and livestock interface in northern Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Brucella spp. was 5.3%. RBPT-positive small ruminants tested negative by the indirect ELISA. Seroprevalence of Brucella spp. in cattle adjusted for clustering was 4.6%. Cattle aged 5-8 years had higher [...] seropositivity than those aged=4years (OR=3.5). Seropositivity in cattle was associated with having joint hygromas (OR=9), sharing pastures with small ruminants (OR=5.8) and contact with pastoralist herds (OR=11
Molecular epidemiology of <em>Mycobacterium africanum</em> in Ghana (Publications)
Multivariate analysis showed that Lineage 5 was significantly more common in patients from the Ewe ethnic group (adjusted odds ratio (adjOR): 2.79; 95 % CI: 1.47-5.29, P < 0.001) and Lineage 6 more likely [...] RESULTS: Of the 1,211 MTBC isolates analysed, 71.9 % (871) belonged to Lineage 4; 12.6 % (152) to Lineage 5 (also known as M. africanum West-Africa 1), 9.2 % (112) to Lineage 6 (also known as M. africanum West-Africa [...] confirm the importance of M. africanum in Ghana and highlight the...
Prevalence of malaria across Papua New Guinea after initial roll-out of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (Publications)
average of 12.1% (95% CI 9.5, 15.3) in the national sample. More people were infected with Plasmodium falciparum (7.0%; 95% CI 5.4, 9.1) than with P. vivax (3.8%; 95% CI 2.4, 5.7) or P. malariae (0.3%; 95% [...] 95% CI 0.1, 0.6). Parasitaemia was strongly age-dependent with a P. falciparum peak at age 5-9 years and a P. vivax peak at age 1-4 years, yet with differences between geographical regions. Individual
Outcomes of antiretroviral treatment programs in rural Southern Africa (Publications)
died, and 1319 (18.1%) were LTFU. At 3 years, the cumulative incidence of death and LTFU were 12.5% (11.5%-13.5%) and 25.4% (24.0%-26.9%), respectively, with important differences between countries as follows: [...] and World Health Organization stage at start of ART are reported. RESULTS: Among 7725 patients, 449 (5.8%) did not return after initiation of ART. During 9575 person-years, 698 (9.6%) of those with at least
Maximizing microscopy as a diagnostic tool in peripheral health centres of BU endemic areas in Ghana (Publications)
between the two chemical tested; 5% phenol in 4% ammonium sulphate (PhAS) and 3.5% NaHOCl was significant (p 0.05). This study concluded that BU samples treated with a solution of 5% phenol in 4% ammonium sulphate [...] conventional method was 58% (46/80) smears. The highest positivity rate of 57/80 (%) was by protocol 7 (5% phenol in 4% ammonium sulphate (PhAS) and concentrated by overnight gravitational sedimentation). The
Clinical description of encephalopathic syndromes and risk factors for their occurrence and outcome during melarsoprol treatment of human African... (Publications)
treatment initiation. The appearance during treatment of febrile reactions (RR 11.5), headache (RR 2.5), bullous eruptions (RR 4.5) and systolic hypotension (RR 2.6) were associated with an increased risk for [...] excluded from the analysis. The overall rate of encephalopathic syndromes in the cases analysed (n=34) was 5.8%, of which 38.2% died. We did not find any parameters of predictive value for the risk of developing
Spatial variation and land use regression modeling of the oxidative potential of fine particles (Publications)
and to develop and evaluate LUR models to assess long-term exposure to the OP of PM2.5. METHODS: Three 2-week PM2.5 samples were collected at 10 regional background, 12 urban background, and 18 street [...] model predictions were moderately to highly correlated with predictions from a previously published PM2.5 model (R2 = 0.37-0.52), and highly correlated with predictions from previously published models of traffic [...] of the two OP metrics. The moderate correlations among the predictions of...
Safety, pharmacokinetic, and efficacy studies of oral DB868 in a first stage vervet monkey model of human African trypanosomiasis (Publications)
the safety, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of a new orally administered CPDD diamidine prodrug, 2,5-bis[5-(N-methoxyamidino)-2-pyridyl]furan (DB868; CPD-007-10), in the vervet monkey model of first stage [...] 12-fold (3 mg/kg/day for 7 days), 15-fold (10 mg/kg/day for 7 days), and 31-fold (20 mg/kg/day for 5 days) greater than the IC50 (14 nmol/L) against T. b. rhodesiense STIB900. DB868 cured all infected [...] dose and should be considered a lead preclinical candidate in efforts to develop a...
Pharmacology of DB844, an orally active aza analogue of pafuramidine, in a monkey model of second stage human African trypanosomiasis (Publications)
during the 300 days of post treatment monitoring, resulting in a cure rate of 3/8 (37.5%) and 3/7 (42.9%) for the 5 mg/kg×10 days and the 6 mg/kg×14 days dose regimens respectively. These DB844 efficacy [...] nervous system (CNS). The pharmacology of a potential orally available lead compound, N-methoxy-6-{5-[4-(N-methoxyamidino) phenyl]-furan-2-yl}-nicotinamidine (DB844), was evaluated in a vervet monkey model [...] Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense KETRI 2537. DB844 was absorbed and converted to...
Safety, pharmacokinetic, and efficacy studies of oral DB868 in a first stage vervet monkey model of human African trypanosomiasis (Publications)
the safety, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of a new orally administered CPDD diamidine prodrug, 2,5-bis[5-(N-methoxyamidino)-2-pyridyl]furan (DB868; CPD-007-10), in the vervet monkey model of first stage [...] 12-fold (3 mg/kg/day for 7 days), 15-fold (10 mg/kg/day for 7 days), and 31-fold (20 mg/kg/day for 5 days) greater than the IC50 (14 nmol/L) against T. b. rhodesiense STIB900. DB868 cured all infected [...] dose and should be considered a lead preclinical candidate in efforts to develop a...