Long-term exposure to several constituents and sources of PM2.5 is associated with incidence of upper aerodigestive tract cancers but not gastric... (Publications)
concentration alone. We therefore investigated the association of UADT and gastric cancers with PM(2.5) elemental constituents and sources components indicative of different sources within a large multicentre [...] confounders. We observed 1139 UADT and 872 gastric cancer cases during a mean follow-up of 18.3 and 18.5 years, respectively. UADT cancer incidence was associated with all constituents except K in single element
Methodological manual for air pollution health risk assessments in Switzerland: deliverable 5 of the project QHIAS (Quantification of health impact of... (Publications)
international and Swiss literature on this field has been reviewed. This report concluded that PM2.5 or PM10 (PM2.5/PM10) as well as NO2 and O3 are the most suitable air pollution indicators for AP-HRAs in S
Structure-activity relationships and antiplasmodial potencies of novel 3,4-disubstituted 1,2,5-oxadiazoles (Publications)
The 4-substituted 3-amino-1,2,5-oxadiazole 1 from the Malaria Box Project of the Medicines for Malaria Venture foundation shows very promising selectivity and in vitro activity against Plasmodium falciparum [...] determined experimentally (CYP3A4-inhibition and aqueous solubility). N-[4-(3-ethoxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-1,2,5-oxadiazol-3-yl]-3-methylbenzamide 51 showed high in vitro activity against the chloroquine-sensitive
Feasibility of caregiver-administered anthropometric measurements of children under age 5: evidence from Zambia (Publications)
feasibility and reliability of caregiver-administered anthropometric assessments of children under age 5. DESIGN: We compared standard and caregiver-administered assessments within an ongoing nutrition trial
Immediate surgery compared with short-course neoadjuvant gemcitabine plus capecitabine, FOLFIRINOX, or chemoradiotherapy in patients with borderline... (Publications)
types of short-course neoadjuvant therapy compared with immediate surgery. METHODS: ESPAC5 (formerly known as ESPAC-5f) was a multicentre, open label, randomised controlled trial done in 16 pancreatic centres [...] cycles); or neoadjuvant capecitabine-based chemoradiation (total dose 50.4 Gy in 28 daily fractions over 5.5 weeks [1.8 Gy per fraction, Monday to Friday] with capecitabine 830 mg/m(2) twice daily [Monday to
Household-level risk factors for water contamination and antimicrobial resistance in drinking water among households with children under 5 in rural... (Publications)
presence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in drinking water among 314 households with children under 5 in Cajamarca, Peru. This study analysed data from a baseline sampling of a randomized controlled trial
Elektromagnetische Felder des Mobilfunks im Zuge des aktuellen 5G-Netzausbaus Technische Aspekte und biologische Wirkungen im unteren Frequenzbereich... (Publications)
wurde in Deutschland im Jahr 2019 mit der Einführung des Mobilfunks der fünften Generation (5G) begonnen. Der 5G-Mobilkommunikationsstandard wird als Kerntechnologie für die Digitalisierung der Industrie [...] 7 Gigahertz (Frequency Range 1, FR1), der auch in den aktuellen 5G-Netzen genutzt wird. Zusätzlich werden besondere technische Aspekte der neuen 5G-Technologie betrachtet und ihre Auswirkungen auf die zu erwartende [...] erwartende Hochfrequenzimmission und die Exposition der Bevölkerung...
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> protein kinase 5 and the malarial nuclear division cycles (Publications)
from our proposition that PfPK5 is necessary to activate or maintain the parasite S-phase. Immunolocalization studies provide further evidence for this potential role of PfPK5 [...] Plasmodium falciparum, we investigated expression pattern, kinase activity, and localization of PfPK5, a putative malarial member of the family of cyclin-dependent protein kinase (cdks). The kinase was [...] from parasites blocked with the cell-cycle inhibitor aphidicolin. An elevated kinase activity of PfPK5 from...
The first population structure and comparative genomics analysis of <em>Mycobacterium africanum</em> strains from Ghana reveals higher diversity of... (Publications)
within a single cluster of L5 strains from Southern Ghana isolated in 2013. Among the global collection of MTB complex, there were four Ghana-specific L5 clusters of which one (L5.1.1) had traits of clonal [...] and 93 L5) of the genomes were de novo assembled and annotated for comparative pangenome analysis using Roary. RESULTS: The population structure of MAF revealed at least five clusters of L5 as compared [...] using whole genome sequencing. METHODS: Clinical MTB complex strains (n=187)...
European Community Respiratory Health Survey II : final report of work package 6 : PM2.5 assessment in 21 European cities of ECRHS II (Publications)
of the centres varies if PM2.5 mass concentrations are considered season by season and examines the association of NO2 with PM2.5 in the participating centres. Since PM2.5 is not routinely monitored in [...] present the annual mean PM2.5 mass concentrations in the participating centres and to describe the methodology and the European-wide quality control programme for the collection of PM2.5 in the ECRHS II. Furthermore [...] in Europe, we measured PM2.5 mass concentrations in 21 participating...