Feasibility, acceptability and clinical utility of the cultural formulation interview: mixed-methods results from the DSM-5 international field trial (Publications)
diagnostic assessment. AIMS: To assess the feasibility, acceptability and clinical utility of the DSM-5 Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) in routine clinical practice. METHOD: Mixed-methods evaluation [...] significantly and subsequent interviews required less time. CONCLUSIONS: The CFI was included in DSM-5 as a feasible, acceptable and useful cultural assessment tool.
Development of West-European PM2.5 and NO2 land use regression models incorporating satellite-derived and chemical transport modelling data (Publications)
estimates of PM2.5 and NO2 are increasingly used in combination with Land Use Regression (LUR) models. We aimed to compare the contribution of SAT and CTM data to the performance of LUR PM2.5 and NO2 models [...] monitoring data sets: PM2.5 and NO2 ground level measurements from the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE) and from the European AIRBASE network. LUR PM2.5 models including SAT and [...] and SAT+CTM explained ~60% of spatial variation in measured PM2.5...
Geostatistical modelling of malaria indicator survey data to assess the effects of interventions on the geographical distribution of malaria... (Publications)
representative survey conducted to provide estimates of malaria prevalence among children less than 5 years, and to track the progress of control interventions in the country. In this present study, 2014-15 [...] were analysed to assess intervention effects on malaria prevalence in Uganda among children less than 5 years, assess intervention effects at regional level, and estimate geographical distribution of malaria [...] status and higher level of mother's education. The highest prevalence of...
Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis... (Publications)
FINDINGS: Globally, 5.8 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 5.7-6.0) children younger than 5 years died in 2015, representing a 52.0% (95% UI 50.7-53.3) decrease in the number of under-5 deaths since 1990 [...] under-5 mortality. Third, we analysed levels and cause compositions of under-5 mortality, across time and geographies, as they related to rising SDI. Finally, we decomposed the changes in under-5 mortality [...] under-5 mortality, as well as differences in observed and expected rates...
Genome-wide association studies identify CHRNA5/3 and HTR4 in the development of airflow obstruction (Publications)
includes AGPHD1, IREB2, and CHRNA5/CHRNA3 genes. The region was also modestly associated among never smokers. Gene expression studies confirmed the presence of CHRNA5/3 in lung, airway smooth muscle, and [...] replicated in the COPD meta-analysis. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest an important role for the CHRNA5/3 region as a genetic risk factor for airflow obstruction that may be independent of smoking and implicate
Single-dose hepatitis A immunization: 7.5-year observational pilot study in Nicaraguan children to assess protective effectiveness and humoral immune... (Publications)
virosomal HAV vaccine in 2005, followed by yearly serological and clinical assessments until 2012. After 7.5 years, a vaccine booster was administered. Concurrent antibody screening of patients presenting with
Novel 1-methyl-1 <em>H</em>-pyrazole-5-carboxamide derivatives with potent anthelmintic activity (Publications)
the parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortus led to the identification of two 1-methyl-1 H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide derivatives. Medicinal chemistry optimization targeted modifications of the left-hand side
Optimization of novel 1-methyl-1 h-pyrazole-5-carboxamides leads to high potency larval development inhibitors of the barber's pole worm (Publications)
of the parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortus led to the identification of a 1-methyl-1 H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide derivative with an IC50 of 0.29 muM. Medicinal chemistry optimization targeted modifications
Estimation of daily PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in Italy, 2013-2015, using a spatiotemporal land-use random-forest model (Publications)
Particulate matter (PM) air pollution is one of the major causes of death worldwide, with demonstrated adverse effects from both short-term and long-term exposure. Most of the epidemiological studies
Knowledge and practices of mothers and caregivers on diarrhoeal management among under 5-year-old children in a medium-size town of Senegal (Publications)
under 5 years of age were included. Slightly less than a quarter (23.2%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 18.9-27.8%) of respondents had good management practice of diarrhoea, while 40.0% (95% CI: 34.5-45.6%) [...] study assessed knowledge and practices of mothers and caregivers on diarrhoeal management among under 5-year-old children in a medium-size town of Senegal. A cross-sectional survey was carried out between [...] located in the south-western part of Senegal. Mothers and caregivers of...